26^ Gavin - Tiny RK900

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"Gavin!! GAVIIINNN!!!"
I peel my eyes open at the tiny voice yelling at me. Little Nines stares at me.
"Good morning, Gavvy!" He places a little kiss on my nose. "I made coffee for you."
"Really? That's nice of you." I sit up in bed, then I stretch. Nines grabs onto me and crawls up my arm. I grab him, causing him to squeak before I set him on my shoulder. "Hold on," I warn him before I slide out of bed.
"Don't worry about me! I have an iron grip, Gavin!" He nuzzles the side of my face. I can feel his little hands on my skin. "I love yoouuuu~!"
"I love you, too, baby boy." I walk up to the counter to see a warm cup of coffee. I take a sip.
"Do you like it?"
I turn my head to see little Nines making puppy eyes at me. "Yes, of course. I love it." I take another sip. The coffee is perfect.
"Yes!" He gives me more kisses.
One day, Fowler walked up to me, placed Nines on my desk, and told me to keep an eye on him. Ever since then, I've been in love with this cute, little guy. He's absolutely adorable.
I lift my hand, and he sits down on it.
I'm so in love with little Nines. He's only six feet tall, and I need to be careful with him, but I love him so much. I set him on the counter. He scrambles up and grabs a cinnamon roll. "Look!" He trots back over to me. "Breakfast!"
"Oh, thank you, Nines." He plops the cinnamon roll in my hand. I take a bite of it, then I hum in pleasure.
"I wanna bite..." He grabs my arm. "Pwease?"
I rip off a little piece, then I give it to Nines.
     He squeaks happily. "Ah! Nom noms!!" He bites into the crumb of cinnamon roll. He literally noms on it.
     I give him a stupid smile. God, he's cute as all hell. He's such a cute little baby. Fuck, I can feel myself getting excited. "Hey, Nines?" I lean against the counter.
     "Yes, Gavvy?" He finishes the crumb, then hugs my arm.
     "Baby, do you wanna play with my cock today?" I tilt my head to the side. "I'm really hard."
     His eyes go wide. "Wh-What?! I'll help you, Gavvy!!" His eyes go wide. "I don't want you to be hard! It'll hurt you!!"
     "Baby, it's ok." I scoop him up in my hand, then I take him to the living room. I set him down on the coffee table. Nines eagerly takes his clothes off. I watch him peel off all of his little clothes. They're so cute.
     I pull off all of my clothes as fast as I can. I'm painfully hard.
     "Gavvy! Pick me up!" He raises his arms.
     I reach over and scoop him up, then I set him down on my stomach. I can feel his little feet pattering along my tummy. "Oh, you're so cute, baby. You're adorable!"
     "Oh, Gavin." He wraps his arms around my throbbing cock. It's taller than he is. "It's so hot and warm! I love it! I can feel it throbbing!" He presses kisses along my cock. The tiny pecks shoot sparks along my spine. I'm incredibly sensitive, and I can feel every little touch from his tiny hands. "Oh! Oh, Gavin~!" He starts humping my cock, desperately attempting to get friction on his little dick. "Gavin! Mmh~!"
There's nothing more arousing than having a tiny man hugging your cock and rubbing his little dick against you.
He leans against my rock hard cock. It leans down with his weight. "A-Ah! Ah-ha~! G-Gavin~! Gavin, it-it feels so g-good! I'm gonna cum!"
I reach down and scoop him up. "Wait, baby. Not yet." I scoot down on the floor and set Nines on the coffee table. "Lay down, baby boy." I gently pin him down with my finger.
"G-Gavin!" he whines. "Please! I need to cum!"
"Shh, baby." I poke my tongue out and lick him up.
"Gaviiiinnnn~!" he squeals.
     I push my finger down on his little dick. "You're so little. I could crush you if I'm not careful."
"D-Don't say those th-things! You know what it d-does to me!" He hides his face in his arms. I slowly rub my finger along his little dick.
"I want you to cum, baby. Cum for me." I push down a little harder. He nearly screams as he cums. His loads are so tiny and cute. I lean down. With one stroke of my tongue, I lick up all of his cum.
"G-Gav... Gavin, am I a g-good boy?"
I nod quickly. "Yes, you're a very good boy. You're such a good boy." I place a gentle kiss on his chest.
"Oh, Gavin! I love you!" He pushes himself to his feet. "Can you cum on me...?"
"You're so dirty, Nines. I'll drown you." I lean on the table. I love playing with tiny Nines.
"I want you to drown meeee!" He hugs my arm. "Please, Gavin!!"
"Fine, fine. Sit on the table like a good boy, ok?" I sit on the couch, then I grab my cock.
"Ok, Gavvy!" He sits down, staring eagerly up at me.
I jerk myself off. "You're so fucking cute, Nines. I love you so much," I grunt.
"Ah~! Gavin~! You're gonna make me cum again!" I can see his little body shaking.
I reach forward. I use two of my fingers to spread his legs. "Let me see you, baby. Keep your legs spread for me."
     His little legs are shaking. "Ok, Gavin!"
     "You want my cum, do you?"
     "Y-Yes! I want it so bad! I wanna feel it! It's so warm! Please, Gavin! Please!" he begs.
     "Good boy."
     "A-Ahh~!" Little ropes of cum shoot from his cock when I say that. I love how words alone are enough to make him lose control.
     "I'm gonna cum, Nines." I go a little faster, huffing softly. Finally, I cum. It shoots him dead on.
     "Eeep!" The force makes him tumble backwards.
     I gasp. "Nines!" I reach forward and grab him. He wipes cum from his face. "Are you ok?! I didn't mean to do it so hard!"
"Gavin, it's so tasty!" he whines. He licks up the cum from his hands and his arms.
I sigh in relief. At least I didn't hurt him. I would've been so mad at myself. "You ok?"
"Yis, I am okie." He stands up. "Clean me?"
I pick him up. "Yes. I'll clean you, baby boy. Let's go." I take him back into the kitchen, then I grab a bowl from out of the cabinet. Nines stands on shaky legs as I fill the bowl with warm water. "Here." I grab him, then I spray him off with the tap. He squeals the entire time. He likes being sprayed like this. When I've washed all the cum from him, I plop him in the bowl.
"Ahhh! A nice bath!" He leans against the side. "Can I have a kiss?!"
I lean forward and kiss the top of his head. "You're so tiny and cute. I love you so much, Nines."
"Ah! Gavvy!" He sinks down in the makeshift bathtub. "You make my heart melt!"
"Stop it," I chuckle. "Cutie."
He squeaks again. I love it when he squeaks and squeals like this. It's adorable.
I lean against the side of the counter. "I'm gonna get ready for work, ok? I'll get you some new clothes."
"Okie, Gavin~!" He lays back in the bowl, and I walk away to go get ready for work.

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