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Chapter 24:


My whole life had been a lie. I know dad told me my mom was alive before he passed on, but it's a wonder mom and I had never crossed paths until today. I was happy but still angry at her, at dad and everyone.

Muhammad called me several times, but I didn't pick his calls. I just needed time to digest all of this.

How is all  this possible?


needed time to be alone, time to round my head around what's happening. I packed my bags and booked a flight that evening to the Bali without informing anyone.

I wanted to talk to juwairiya about my problems but I stopped myself. Why would she care about me. I don't even know who to trust anymore.


It's been a month since Aamar had asked me to marry him and it's also been a month since I last saw Kevin. He was no where to be found. He just disappeared without informing anyone.

My mom has been on my neck. She's been wanting to know if I had said yes to Aamar already so we can start my wedding preparations. My mom can be so adamant.

I had done istikhara and I'm still waiting for Allah to guide me. Aamar and I chat every day, trying to get to know each other better and he really seems to be a nice guy. I mean he was my first crush but Kevin was on my mind the whole time. I kept wondering if he was okay and why he left all of a sudden without informing anyone.

After I got back from work later that evening, I had a serious talk with my dad on the phone , he wanted to know the reason why I haven't said yes to ammar.

"Do you not like him? Or do you have some else?" my dad asked.

"Nooo, It's not like that", I replied.

"Then what is it, you aren't getting any younger and Aamar is a very nice guy and you know that. You grew up together."

"I just need a little more time to think about it", I replied, hoping to end this very awkward conversation.

That night, I couldn't sleep. I was thinking about my life. I didn't want to lose someone like Aamar in my life and at the same time I wanted to wait for Kevin. But how does waiting for Kevin mean I'm going to be with him, he doesn't even believe it God.

The next morning, I made a very big decision of my life, I said yes to Aamar. My parents and his parents were so happy.

Kwalah was filled with joy, we're moving from best friends to sister in law.

I had to resign my job and move back to Nigeria for the wedding preparations. I walked in to the office, hoping and wishing I would see Kevin one last time to say goodbye.

My flight was a week after I resigned. I took my to pack my belongings but deep down, the reason I delayed my flight was to wait for Kevin a little longer before I finally leave for good.

A week went by really fast and I was already at the airport back to Nigeria.
After a long flight, I arrived at Lagos.
Aamar was already at the airport waiting for me.

He looked so excited to see me. I wished I was as excited as he was. On our drive way, I was very quiet and Aamar noticed.

"Hmm hmm, he cleared his throat. Did I do something wrong?" he asked worried.

"No, I'm just very tired", I replied.

He dropped me off at home. I was excited to see my parents and siblings. Later that evening, My mom had started the wedding preparations.
I was getting married to Aamar in a month's time.

A month later...

It's finally the day I get to complete half of my Deen. Surprisingly, I was excited and happy. This last few weeks I got to spend time with Aamar and I kinda like him...

I haven't heard from Kevin and I wish him the best in this life and I hope he's safe. Sometimes when things don't go your way, Allah had install something better for you.

Alhamdulilah, I couldn't ask for a better husband. 


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