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Chapter 3:


"What do you want from me?!" I ask her with blazing eyes.

"You said something quite offensive in class and it doesn't bother you that others might feel offended?!" She responded with equal annoyance.

"Who the hell do you think you are to question me?!" I asked angrily.

"Who the hell do think you are to make an offensive and racist comment?" She fired back.

"You are really getting on my nerves. Get lost before-" She interrupts me.

"Before what? Huh? Let me tell you now that I am not scared of you." Her accent made her sound authoritative.

I got really mad and pulled her headscarf and pushed her against a wall. "Never mess with me, you black terrorist. If you have a problem with me, why don't you fucking leave this country?!" She flinched at the tone of my voice.

I regret pushing her. I don't ever touch or brutally hurt women or girls and I have never in my life pushed a girl. This girl, however, is a whole other story. Ugh!

As I turned back to leave, I suddenly felt a push. That black terrorist girl pushed me and said something I didn't understand before running off. That girl is crazy. I swear she is going to see another side of me.


I got home. It was very quiet and lonely. James had gone to his apartment and I didn't see Simone today.

I called her but she didn't pick my calls. I texted her, hoping she would reply after like an hour, but she didn't.

I watched a movie on Netflix to pass the time and after that, I went to the store to get some things. I haven't gone shopping and I need a few things.

On my way out of my house, Simone called back.

"Hello, babe. Where have you been? You weren't in school today and you haven't been picking my calls."

"Baby, I was feeling a bit uneasy today." I could hear her whimper from the other side of the call.

"You should rest then. Let me call you back later. Please take care of yourself. I will come by your place after I'm done shopping."

I ended the call and continued with my business.


I came back home after shopping. I dropped the groceries on the kitchen benchtop and entered my room.

I laid on my bed and I remembered what had happened earlier today with the black girl. It was quite funny if I may be honest.

After refreshing myself in the bathroom, I made my way to Simone's place to check on her wellbeing.



"Let go of me!" I said trying to push Kevin off me. He pulled my hair underneath my headscarf and pushed me against the wall.

"Next time, do not mess with me, you black terrorist." He said and he let go of my headscarf.

He turned to leave and I stood up from the ground feeling defeated.

"Katan banza (Big bully in Hausa)!" I mumbled only audible for me. I pushed his back and ran away before he could stop me. I couldn't let him win. I won't.

I don't have the strength to fight anybody, especially a guy. That's just crazy and beyond my ability.

What I did was silly, but he had it coming. Next time, he won't mess with me, I hope.


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