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Chapter 10:


"Truce?" He said, extending his hand. I stood there looking at his hand and I finally walked away without saying a word. Hopefully, this will stop him from talking to me.

After my shift at work, I returned to my hostel. I got a call from my mom for the third time today. I finally answered.

"Assalamu Alaikum, Mum."

"Walaikum Alsalam. I've been calling you since the morning but you didn't pick. Is everything alright over there?"

"No mummy, I just saw that there was a missed call from you and it was five minutes ago." I rolled my eyes at her exaggeration.

"Would you keep quiet! How're you doing? I hope the weather isn't too cold."

"Mum, it's summer. This is the fifth time I'm telling you this. It's not cold here." I sighed. "How are dad and my siblings?"

"They are all fine, Alhamdullilah. I hope everything is alright with you. Be a good girl and remember the home you come from. Don't join bad gangs and most importantly, don't-"

"Mum, trust me. I will try to be a good girl."

"No. Be a good girl."

"I will. Mummy, I have to go now. Salam."

"Okay, Salam."


After I ate dinner and read over my notes, I slept it off.

"JUWARIYA! Wake up, you're gonna be late!" I heard Lizzy yell. I opened one eye drowsily and checked the time.

Authu Billah! I had missed Fajr! I immediately made my wudu, prayed, and prepared for uni.

"Lizzy, thanks for waking me up. What would I do without you!" I thanked her on my way out.

"Jee, I wonder too." She snickered. I shut the door behind me and rushed out of my hostel.

As usual, as I arrived in class, I sat beside Madina. A few minutes later Kevin walked in and strolled over to our place.

"Hi." He said smiling at us.

Madina looked around to confirm if he was speaking to her. That was so hilarious. She smiled and replied to his greeting, though I didn't even bother myself.

He sat down next to me and asked if he could borrow my notes.

"Take them. Now please leave us alone, we're discussing something important." I said, chucking my notes at him.

"Don't worry, I won't listen to what you're saying." He said and winked, knowing that he won't budge even if I tried to get rid of him.

The next professor walked in and his looks caught me off-guard. I've never seen him before. He must be new. He introduced himself as Mr Nasir Bashir, which hinted that he was a Muslim.

I was glad at that because now Kevin couldn't do anything about having "too many terrorists around."

Madina and I were speechless by the fact that the new lecturer was a Muslim and a handsome one, Masha Allah.

After lectures were over, I felt a hand on mine. It was Kevin's.

"Hey, don't touch me!" I yelled and yanked my hand from his.

"Why?" He asked weirdly.

"It's not allowed for us Muslim girls to be close to anyone who isn't our..." Madina was trying to find the translation for 'mahram', though she just wandered her sentence off.

"Oh, alright." He replied instantly. I could tell that he wasn't interested in knowing anything about the deen. He looked like he was judging the Islamic ruling.

The following day, Kevin wasn't at college. I was a bit worried about him and I needed to get my notes back.

A few days passed and still no news of him. I got his phone number from Ahmad but I couldn't get through to him.

I overheard one of the students saying Kevin's dad was sick in a hospital bed.

At that, I frowned, very sad about the news. I wondered how he must be feeling right now. I felt really bad for him to be honest.

I decided that I should visit him and check on how his dad was doing after lectures. After all, he has been improving in his behaviour.

I arrived at the hospital to which James had directed me to. I spotted Kevin and he looked so devastated. The moment he saw me, he ran up to me and hugged me, crying on my shoulders.

I was about to push him off me but he started to mumble between sobs.

"That's it. The only family member I have left is going to leave me. I don't want to lose him." He clutched onto me tighter. I allowed him for the sake of supporting him, though I was beyond uncomfortable. I made dua that everything will be alright and that Allah will forgive my situation.

"Everything's going to be alright, Insha Allah. Don't worry. Your dad's going to get better soon." I said trying to get out of the embrace, though he didn't budge.

I bit my lips awkwardly. "Just have faith," I whispered in his ear.


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