• sixteen •

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jeonghan had cried in seungcheol's arms for a long time. seungcheol just held him and pressed kisses to his head ever so often. he wouldn't let jeonghan forget that he was there for him and that he loved him. jeonghan had cried until he ran out of energy and fell asleep. jeonghan didn't sleep often but he was so tired that he couldn't help it.

once jeonghan had fallen asleep seungcheol just laid there. he kept his arms wrapped around jeonghan but his mind began to wonder. they had been moving so much and doing so much that seungcheol hadn't really had a moment to think. him and his lover were essentially on the run. seungcheol hadn't even truly processed the thought that things like vampire were real and that there was a council that constantly had watch over them let alone the fact that he was dating one. he left his family unsure if he could ever see them again.

seungcheol felt like he was going insane. he hadn't even finished high school he was supposed to graduate in spring which was only a few weeks away then jeonghan wasn't even in his last year yet. while seungcheol meddled within his own sadness he hadn't even begun to understand jeonghan's. jeonghan lost his dad because of the same reason they were on the run, his mother was killed, he was nearly killed as well and he was constantly on guard to protect seungcheol. he had been carrying it all on his shoulders and seungcheol hadn't even noticed nor had the time to notice.

this was the first time in a while they got to lay down and just relax. while holding jeonghan in his arms he felt like they were a normal couple for once. jeonghan stirred in his sleep as his face scrunched and he shifted a bit before inhaling seungcheol's scent and falling back asleep. seungcheol smiled and gently stroked his hair. it was late and seungcheol clicked off the lamp beside the table.

"goodnight hannie, i love you." seungcheol said softly before pulling the blanket over them both. he fell asleep holding jeonghan to his chest.

yet when he woke up there was no one in his arms or in the bed in general. seungcheol sat up and scanned the room quickly but there was no sight of jeonghan. seungcheol pushed himself out of bed and ran out of the bedroom. he was panicking, where had jeonghan gone?

seungcheol walked towards the living room and didn't see him there. his heart was practically thumping out of his chest. seungcheol was about to start calling out for him when he heard some faint talking from the kitchen.

"but.. how do i know if it tastes good?" he heard jeonghan ask as he approached the kitchen and they came into earshot.

"you try it and see if it tastes alright," jihoon answered and jeonghan pouted. seungcheol let out a sigh of relief.

"if i eat another bite of human food i might hurl," jeonghan said and jihoon laughed and shook his head.

"then ask seungcheol how it tastes," jihoon suggested and jeonghan smiled and nodded.

"okay! then i should pull them off of the heat before they start to brown?" jeonghan asked as he looked to the eggs in the pan. jihoon smiled and nodded, he never thought he'd be teaching a vampire to cook.

"mhm, see you're a natural!" jihoon complimented and seungcheol stood in the doorway and smiled. jeonghan was trying to get better at cooking for seungcheol and that started with making him breakfast.

"i used to watch my mom cook. she loved cooking and she'd make food for seungcheol every time he came over. her food was always good," jeonghan said and a sad smile came onto jihoon's face. seungcheol felt a slight pang in his heart, he hoped ms.yoon was happier now.

"i bet. soon enough you'll be as good as she was." jihoon said as he walked towards the fridge and jeonghan just chuckled a bit.

"heh yeah i guess so.." jeonghan mumbled and seungcheol came up behind him. he wrapped his arms around jeonghan's waist and hugged him from behind.

"cheollie? you're up? dangit i was gonna bring the food to you.." jeonghan pouted and seungcheol just chuckled a bit.

"that's alright," seungcheol said and pressed a kiss to the back of jeonghan's neck.

"we'll leave after breakfast. here's something for you to eat jeonghan," jihoon said as he placed a glass of blood onto the counter then left the kitchen.

jeonghan put seungcheol's food onto a plate and handed it to him. jeonghan sipped his drink and seungcheol happily ate his food. this sort of domestic life seemed so nice, jeonghan was looking forward to it.

they could go to college together and get jobs. they could wake up in the mornings together and jeonghan would make breakfast while seungcheol got ready. they'd eat together and go separate ways for work. seungcheol would get home earlier than jeonghan and make dinner and clean up the house. jeonghan would come home and just cuddle seungcheol for the rest of the night. they'd go on dates every weekend and make new friends, live a happy life.

"let's go get ready to leave, hm?" seungcheol asked and jeonghan nodded as he rinse out his glass and seungcheol's plate.

the two grabbed their bag and met jihoon by the front door.

"it's gonna be a while until we get where we need to be. i have an apartment with a couple months of rent paid off until you're able to get on your feet. you have new names and social security numbers. new everything. this is your new life, okay? don't mess it up."

• author's notes •

i figured it's been a while since the last chapter and that i needed to update moon djdidjsn

thank you for reading, i hope you enjoyed <3


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