• eight •

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"seungcheol.. you've been the only boy who ever tempted to be jeonghan's friend. you truly brightened up his life. but if i may ask, why did you do it?" jeonghan's mom asked as she sat across from seungcheol at the table. seungcheol took a sip of his water and just looked at her. there never was a reason why he did it, he just loved being around jeonghan.

"i don't have a reason. i just.. i really like jeonghan." seungcheol reasoned and she smiled. seungcheol truly reminded her of her now deceased lover.

"you remind me of jeonghan's dad.. you're a wonderful boy seungcheol. why don't you run and find a girl that-"

"miss. i mean this respectfully but i despise you for trying to pull jeonghan and i apart. i will never leave him for as long as i live. i don't care if im in danger or an idiot because it's worth it." seungcheol said as he slammed his hand onto the table. jeonghan's mom felt her eyes tear up as she smiled.

she always acted like this because she had blamed herself for her lover's death and she believed that if she could save seungcheol she would be redeemed but seeing the passion in seungcheol's eyes made her realize that there was no hope. she regretted it but she knew that seungcheol was the one for jeonghan.

"you love him don't you?" she asked and seungcheol dropped his head.

"i-i do." seungcheol replied and she wiped a tear away and smiled.

"you're the highlight of his miserable life seungcheol.. don't let him go." she said and seungcheol nodded.

"take him this, he's probably awake now. don't worry even though he's hungry he wouldn't dare touch you." she said as she got up and grabbed a blood bag from the fridge and put it in a cup.

seungcheol took the cup and walked into jeonghan's room. jeonghan's head shot over immediately and his eyes seemed even more vibrant than usual. he was starving and when he caught a whiff of seungcheol's scent it was hard to hold back. he bit down on his lip drawing blood as seungcheol handed him the cup.

jeonghan drank it quickly as it dribbled from the corners of his mouth and down his chin. seungcheol chuckled a bit, he was as messy as ever. jeonghan finished the glass and sat it down beside him. seungcheol reached out and wiped the blood away with his finger. jeonghan grabbed his finger and licked the blood off.

seungcheol, shocked, jumped backwards and fell off his chair. his face was bright red and he wasn't expecting that from jeonghan who was usually quite composed and shy. jeonghan gasped a bit and looked down at him.

"are you okay?" jeonghan asked, completely unaware at what he did, and seungcheol just nodded as he got back into his chair.

"did you get hurt? from the vampire." jeonghan asked, now finally back to his senses after having some blood. once seungcheol composed himself he answered.

"no, im fine. how's your leg?" seungcheol asked and jeonghan shrugged.

"it'll probably be gone in a few days.. he used a silver blade though.. it hurt a lot.." jeonghan said and seungcheol just smiled a bit.

"hey jeonghan.. i wanna ask you something." seungcheol said and jeonghan looked at him with a smile.

it was now or never.

"can i kiss you?" seungcheol asked and jeonghan gasped, he nearly choked on the air. was this really happening? he had wanted it for so long but now that it was presented to him he didn't know what to do.

"y-yeah! please do!" jeonghan said back and seungcheol just smiled and pulled jeonghan's lips to his.

it was perfect.

• author's notes •

this chapter is literally a mess omg i am sorry


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