• nine •

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jeonghan laid in seungcheol's arms while they laid in jeonghan's bed. seungcheol just looked down and smiled at the boy's gentle features and how peaceful he looked. they both knew they had to return to school soon as they had been missing days even after their suspension ended.

"jeonghan.. wake up.." seungcheol said gently as he stroked jeonghan's cheek.

"..hungry.." jeonghan mumbled and seungcheol just smirked a bit.

he didn't feel scared around jeonghan in the least bit. even when jeonghan was hungry he didn't try to touch seungcheol, he kept his distance.

"i'll be right back, i'm gonna go get some." seungcheol said as he got up and put jeonghan down gently before leaving the room.

he went downstairs and saw jeonghan's mom up making some food. seungcheol knew that they didn't eat so he was puzzled as to why she was cooking but didn't object. once she saw him she handed him a glass and seungcheol took it with a smile.

"ah, here's some food for you. i'm not that good but i hope you like it. also.. after you go back to school today you need to start staying home. jeonghan and i will check up on you ever so often and if you ever think something is wrong contact one of us." jeonghan's mom said as she held out a plate. seungcheol took the plate and was somewhat confused.

"does jeonghan know you're doing this?" seungcheol asked as he knew jeonghan wouldn't let seungcheol just go home when it was still dangerous. jeonghan's mom shook her head and sighed.

"don't tell him." she pleaded and seungcheol just walked away.

he didn't know what to do. he didn't want to keep secrets from jeonghan but jeonghan's mom looked so worried when she was talking to him. why couldn't he tell jeonghan? she wouldn't just send seungcheol directly into danger. he convinced himself that she had a plan and that he wouldn't tell jeonghan even though he really wanted to.

"jeonghan, i brought- how are you ready already?" seungcheol said as he walked in and spotted jeonghan in his uniform, hair done, contacts in, and smile on his face.

"i dunno.." jeonghan sighed as he laid onto his bed.

even through his contacts you could see red and his fangs were still out, which was what happened when jeonghan was hungry. seungcheol handed jeonghan a cup and jeonghan smiled and began to drink it.

"your clothes are on the desk, i think mom washed them." jeonghan said and seungcheol nodded with a smile.

"how's your leg?" seungcheol asked and jeonghan shrugged.

"nearly scarred by now, it doesn't hurt that much." jeonghan said and seungcheol smiled and walked over to kiss his forehead.

"a-are we dating now?" jeonghan asked and seungcheol nodded. jeonghan's face blushed bright red and he buried his face into his pillow.

"you're so cute.."

• author's notes •

jeongcheol fluff for the soul..


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