• seven •

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"jeonghan relax. you don't have to be so tense around me anymore it's been two weeks." seungcheol said as the two sat outside looking at the clouds and jeonghan just sighed.

after jeonghan's mom had told seungcheol about he was essentially a walking target for the vampire council he had been surprisingly relaxed while jeonghan was always on full alert.

"im not being tense because of you im tense because we're out in public and you could get murdered at any second." jeonghan said and seungcheol sighed.

"they won't kill me quite yet. they're not idiots i don't think. they're probably waiting for me to graduate so that they can say it was some sort of accident while moving or a creeper.." seungcheol said which did not help jeonghan at all.

jeonghan clenched onto the collar of seungcheol's shirt and pulled him closer. seungcheol looked shocked as he saw the worry in jeonghan's bright red eyes. jeonghan sighed and released his shirt.

"don't say that. it scares me.." jeonghan said as he looked away and seungcheol pulled jeonghan into a hug.

"i'm sorry.. im not going anywhere. i promise." seungcheol said and jeonghan clenched onto him.

"you're not allowed to leave me lonely." jeonghan said and seungcheol nodded as he held onto jeonghan tightly.

the two stayed like that. it was warm in seungcheol's arms and he never wanted to leave. he wanted to be warm forever. jeonghan was taken out of thought by some rustling in the distance. jeonghan whipped his head around and the air smelled sweet like vampire blood.

"seungcheol go inside to my mom.. i think there might be someone here." jeonghan said and seungcheol reluctantly obliged.

once seungcheol was inside jeonghan looked around. it was quiet and it could fool anyone that no one was there but when the air smelled this sweet jeonghan knew there was someone here.

"come out you-"

jeonghan was interrupted by a man charging at him. jeonghan didn't know how to fight but the fear of seungcheol getting hurt made him work off instinct. jeonghan deflected or dodged every hit managing to get at least one or two hits on the guy.

it was obvious by his red eyes and outstanding stamina that he was like jeonghan which made it even more fun. he was usually a pacifist but this could be an exception. the other vampire began to play dirty when he pulled out a knife.

he jabbed at jeonghan who managed to get grazed but not hurt a lot. the guy continued his efforts until jeonghan got tired of it and punched the knife out of his hand and kicked his legs out at once. jeonghan stepped onto the guy's throat and glared at him.

"why are you here?" jeonghan asked and the guy smiled as he reached for the knife and stabbed jeonghan in the back of the leg. jeonghan winced and used his good leg to crush the guy's throat.

jeonghan turned to see seungcheol watching with an expression of the fear. jeonghan knew this would happen and it hurt but he didn't have time to worry. jeonghan reached down and pulled the knife out of his leg and he stumbled a few more steps until he hit the ground.

seungcheol pushed last jeonghan's mom and to jeonghan's side.

"sorry.. im a monster.."

• author's notes •

my sweet bby jeonghan you're not a monster 🥺🥺 also if you like meanie you should check out my new book monochrome :))))


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