Chapter Four: Listen to Me

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It's been a few days. Megan hasn't seen TK since that morning when she took off. She responded to his text message to let him know that she was alright but since then, she's been ignoring him, trying to deal with some things. She decided to go talk to him now that a few days had passed. It was late afternoon by the time Megan decided to stop by the 126 to go see TK. As Megan approaches the fire station, she spots a familiar face walking out quickly. She notices that it's Avery and that she's crying. Before she can say anything, Avery turns around and slams her fist into the wall.
"You're going to break your knuckles doing that." Megan calls out to Avery, making the other teen spin around to see who's talking to her.
"It's better than the other pain I'm going through." Avery says quietly.
"Are you okay?" Megan asks Avery as she comes to stand nearer to her.
"I'm fine." Avery stated.
"Are you looking for my brother?" Avery asks, wiping her eyes. Megan nods her head.
"Speak of the devil." Megan smiles as TK walks out of the station.
"There you are." He says to Avery.
"Oh, hey Megan. What brings you here?" TK asks the other teen.
"I just wanted to talk to you quickly." Megan tells him. TK nods and turns to his sister.
"Are you alright? Dad told me-"
"I'm fine." Avery lies again as she tries to hide her bruised and slightly bloodied fist. TK spots her knuckles and gently takes her hand.
"What happened?" He asks his sister. Avery stays quiet.
"She was punching the wall when I got here." Megan speaks up.
"Come on. Let's get you an ice pack and then you and I can talk." TK tells both the teens. He leads both of them inside. He grabs an ice pack for Avery's hand and hands it to the teen. He looks at Megan who gets the hint and walks back outside to wait for TK so he could have a minute alone with his sister. TK sits on the back step of the ambulance with Avery. There's a minute of silence.
"Dad told me he spoke to you about the cancer." TK states, making Avery nod as she fights back tears.
"It's okay to cry and be upset you know." TK tells her.
"I know." Avery nods as tears stream down her face.
"I-I just feeling like I'm losing everyone around me. Mom. Dad. You..." Avery sobs. TK sighs and wraps his arms tightly around his sister.
"Dad is going to be fine and I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." TK reassured her.
"You can't promise me that. Not with your job" Avery shakes her head.
"I know. But just know that no matter what happens, we love you and we always will." TK tells her. Avery nods her head and hugs her brother back. After a few more minutes of TK comforting Avery, she goes to talk with her dad. Megan sees this and heads inside to talk to TK. He leads them up to the kitchen so they can sit at the table.
"I ermm, I just wanted to thank you for the other day and apologize for taking off like that." Megan tells TK.
"It's fine. I'm glad you're okay." He tells the teen.
"I'm working through some things but I wanted to thank you for everything. Nobody's ever cared like you have." Megan tells him.
"Look, I just want to help you. I don't want you to throw your life away because of drugs." TK tells the teen. She smiles slightly.
"Can I ask you something?" Megan asks him quietly. TK nods.
"Why do you want to help me?" She asked, looking at him. TK things for a second.
"I know what drugs do to people. I don't want that for you. You seem like such an amazing person Megan and you have your whole life ahead of you. I just want to see you live that life." TK tells her seriously.
"Please let me help you." He asks her.
"I have a lot going on right now. I'm- ermm, I'm working on it all, slowly." Megan says quietly, right as the alarm sounds.
"I'll talk to you later." She tells him as she sees him hesitate to leave. He smiles and nods as Avery comes out of the office with her dad.
"Hey Avery, did you want to go for a walk? It might help clear your head." Megan asks the other teen. Avery smiles and goes to grab her jacket as TK says bye and runs away with his dad. Megan watches as they load up and drive out of the fire station.
"How's the hand?" Megan asks Avery as they walk out the fire station.
"Not broken so I guess that's a good thing." Avery said, shrugging her shoulders.

Around half an hour later the teens are both walking out of Starbucks, having stopped to get a drink.
"So, if you don't mind me asking, what got you so upset earlier?" Megan questioned Avery.
"I'd rather not talk about it. I mean we've only just met and all." Avery responds.
"That's totally understandable." Megan tells hers.
"Are you close with your dad and TK?" Megans asks Avery, trying to change the subject.
"TK, yeah. We're super close. Me and my dad, not so much." Avery responds truthfully.
"Let's just say that my mum made my dad out to be the bad guy when she was the one stopping all the contact." Avery explained.
"I'm sorry that happened." Megan told Avery sympathetically. Avery smiles slightly.
"Yeah, I am too." Avery exhales.
"I noticed your tattoo earlier. Bet that was interesting with your dad." Megan joked, knowing what her dad was like.
"Actually, he dealt with it better than my mum did. She was angry. In fact she was so angry that it got her killed." Avery says angrily. There's a few minutes of shocked silence between the teens. Megan knew a little about Avery's past but not much.
"We should head back to the firehouse." Avery says. Megan agrees. Megan walks Avery back to the firehouse and agrees to meet up with her again at some point before she heads home. When she gets back to her place she decides to have something to eat before she has a shower and gets ready for bed as it's getting late. She resists the urge to use before bed as she cleans up her bedroom a little before getting comfy in bed so she can flick through her social media pages.

Hey guys! Sorry it's been a while. If you read ChloeOgradyXo book "This is the Moment", you'll notice a lot of parts are the same but I've also made parts different to fit into my storyline. We're working on some more collab chapters as our characters will be crossing over into each other's book a lot more! If you don't read her book, make sure to go check it out! Hope you're all okay! Stay safe!

 We're working on some more collab chapters as our characters will be crossing over into each other's book a lot more! If you don't read her book, make sure to go check it out! Hope you're all okay! Stay safe!

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