Chapter Twelve: One Day at a Time

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"I can't believe you asked TK to bring us." Avery faked moaned.
"How else were we going to get here?" Megan joked.
"Plus, he said he'd buy me food afterwards when I told him about getting my tattoo." Megan added as they headed inside the tattoo parlour. Megan went and checked in as Avery and TK took a seat in the waiting area. After a few minutes, Megan was taken to an area by her tattoo artist, Tom.
"Okay, are you happy with the stencil placement?" He asked Megan, making sure she liked where her tattoo was going to be. Avery looked over at it.
"One day at a time. I like it." She said smiling.
"Yeah. I used to see it all the time on posters in Safe Space. Really stuck with me." Megan explained.
"Yeah. It looks good." Megan said happily, turning back to Tom.
"Okay, I'm going to start now, just let me know if you want me to stop." Tom said as he picked up his supplies.
"You've tattooed me before Tom." Megan laughed, having had a few small tattoos done already in the past.
"I know, I'm just making sure you're okay throughout." Tom laughed as he started the tattoo. Megan laughed a little and talked with Avery and TK as Tom worked on the tattoo.

It didn't take long and soon enough, it was finished, Megan had paid, and they were heading back out to TK's car.
"So where are we going for lunch?" TK asked, looking at Avery in the passenger seat and then at Megan who was sitting in the back.
"Ermm, I really don't mind." Megan said, not fussed where they ate as long as they did eat.
"How about that diner you took me to last week?" Avery suggested to her brother.
"Okay. That's just a few blocks away anyway." TK agreed as he started the engine.

A little while later, they were sitting at a table, waiting for their food.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you. My case worker spoke to Max, my nurse from Safe Space, and apparently I'm eligible for another money grant because of my living situation and my mental health." Megan told them both before she took a sip from her drink.
"That's good. What exactly does that mean for you though?" Avery asked.
"I'm not sure. My caseworker said she was going to look into it some more. Apparently your dad said he'd sign off on anything if someone has to monitor my funding." Megan explained, having been shocked when her case worker had told her this.
"So that's who he was talking to." TK said.
"When I came into his office the other day at work, he was on the phone, and he was talking about signing forms and money or something like that. I didn't catch it all." TK explained as their food was brought over. They all thanked the waiter and started eating.
"My caseworker basically said someone might have to monitor me and my mental health in order for me to receive the funding. Basically it's someone who will make sure I'm not using the money for any bad choices etc." Megan said, hinting at her history.
"Oh, that's still cool though." Avery agreed before taking a massive bite from her burger.
"Yeah. Means I might be able to look at getting a new laptop or something. When I was talking to Max in Safe Space he said taking an online course or two might help me stay on track and will help me in the future anyways." Megan explained before she continued eating. TK made a mental note of this as they all sat and ate.

An hour or so later, they pulled into Megan's street.
"Want to come round tonight and watch some movies? I'm sure dad won't mind you staying the night." Avery asked Megan as they pulled up outside her place.
"Err, sure, why not." Megan agreed happily. It sounded like fun, and she wanted to thank Owen personally as well for what he had agreed to do with her funding.
"You guys can go though. I have a video chat with Max in an hour. He wanted to check in. I'll get a bag together afterwards and I'll let you know when I'm leaving." Megan told Avery and TK as she climbed out the car.
"Okay, I'll see you later then." Avery said, having rolled down her window. Megan smiled and waved goodbye as they drove off down the street. She buzzed herself into her apartment building, checked to see if she had any mail before she headed upstairs to her apartment.

As it got closer to her meeting with Max, Megan got her phone ready and leant it against some stuff on the table, so it was up right.
"Hey Megan, how are you doing?" Max asked the teen after the call connected.
"I'm good. Getting there." Megan answered honestly.
"That's good to hear." Max responded happily.
"I got a new tattoo today." Megan grinned.
"Oh really?"
"Yeah, I think you'll like it." Megan told him as she moved her arm to show him the tattoo.
"One day at a time. You remember that, hey?" Max smiled, happy to see her doing well.
"Yeah. Like I told Avery and TK, I used to see it all the time on the posters at Safe Space and it kind of stuck with me." Megan told him truthfully.
"I'm glad to hear that."
Megan sat and talked with Max for about thirty minutes before they needed the call after arranging another one for a few weeks' time. Once the call was over, she went to pack a bag for the night before she started walking to TK's place for her sleepover and movie night with Avery.

A/N - Finally back with another update! Sorry it's been a weird couple of weeks. I've had major writer's block and just not wanted to write any of my current books. I've also been dealing with a problem with my foot for the last few months which I'm finally getting somewhere with. I also became an Auntie this week which is exciting! Cannot wait to meet the little cutie! Anyways, I'm not sure when I'll next be updating but I hope you enjoyed this one. Thanks for reading :)

 Thanks for reading :)

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