Chapter Eighteen: Life Goes On

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A few weeks later, Megan was sitting in bed on her laptop when Avery popped a message in the group chat that she had created for Jason, herself and Megan, when Jason was in town a few weeks ago. The group chat was called 'The Three Musketeers' after Megan had to change the name as Avery had originally called the group chat 'Psychotic Bitches', something of which Jason had strongly objected to. As it was a WhatsApp group, Megan pulled it up on her laptop, so she didn't have to take her phone off of charge. Megan smiled as she read the message that Avery, a.k.a Trouble, which was her nickname for Avery on her phone, had put in the group.

Trouble: Going on a hike with dad - won't have service so don't worry if I don't respond.
Jase: You? Hiking? Never thought I'd see the day.
Trouble: Haha, very funny.
Jase: You know you love me.
Trouble: Unfortunately.
Jase: Ouch.
Jase: Have fun though.

Megan laughed a little as she typed a message and sent it followed quickly by another.

Megan: You two have such good banter.
Megan: I second what Jason said, have fun.

Megan went back to Netflix and went back to watching the big bang theory. A few minutes later, another message popped up. She pulled up WhatsApp and saw that she had a private message from Jason.

Jason: Now that Avery's busy for the day, are you free to do some birthday planning?
Megan: Sure. I'm free all day so whenever is best for you. I do need to get out of bed first though haha.
Jason: It's 10:30, you're seriously still in bed?
Megan: I've been awake since 9, just been watching Netflix haha.
Jason: Fare enough. Call in ten? Just sorting a few things.
Megan: Cool, cool, whenever.

Megan climbed out of bed and pulled on one of her hoodies as she was cold before she climbed back into bed and continued watching The Big Bang Theory on Netflix. A few minutes later, Megan's phone started ringing. She saw it was Jason facetiming her, so she sat up and answered the phone.
"Morning, morning." Jason said way too happily as Megan was still half asleep, even if she had been up for a few hours watching Netflix.
"Are you even going to get out of bed today?" Jason teased her once he realized where she was.
"Shut up. I'm cold. Although I am hungry, I just really don't wanna move." Megan laughed as she pulled her blanket around her.
"So what have you planned then?" Jason asked Megan, getting down to the reason behind the call.
"Okay. So I booked the bowling alley with Owen. We went and did it the other day. It's booked for midday." Megan said firstly.
"Good, good. I'm driving up the day before so that works perfectly." Jason nodded.
"We were thinking we'd book a table somewhere for lunch afterwards. But Avery will know about that part as TK was going to ask her where she wanted to eat." Megan explained. They wanted Avery to feel comfortable with where they were eating so they wanted to give her the choice.
"That's good. Giving her the choice of where we go means she'll actually eat." Jason agreed happily.
"Good. That sounds really good. Thanks again for helping with this." Jason told Megan, flashing her a smile.
"She'd do the same for me." Megan simply shrugged. They spent a little while talking about the rest of the party arrangements before there was a knock at Megan's door.
"Uhh, who's that." Megan groaned.
"I dunno but you should probably answer it." Jason grinned.
"What did you do?" Megan asked Jason sceptically as she got out of bed and started walking towards the front door.
"Door dash for Megan." The person standing a few steps back from the door said after Megan swung the door open.
"Err, I didn't order anything..." Megan said, confused.
"No, but I did." Jason said over the phone.
"Err, thanks." Megan flashed an awkward smile to the delivery person as she took the bag and drink from them before she closed the door.
"Really?" She asked him, trying to hide her smile.
"You said you were hungry." Jason shrugged.
"And I would have gotten out of bed eventually to get something." Megan laughed as she headed back to bed.
"Thanks Jason, aww you're welcome Megan." Jason responded sarcastically, making Megan roll her eyes.
"Thanks." She said as she climbed back into bed.
"So what's the plan with you coming down? What are you telling Avery?" Megan asked Jason as she started eating the McDonald's he had ordered for all.
"As far as she knows, I couldn't take any time off work, so I won't make it back to town." Jason explained.
"And then I was going to surprise her at bowling, obviously." He added.
"She's going to freak. I'll make sure to keep you up to date and keep her distracted." Megan joked.
"Great." Jason said happily.
"Good choice with chicken nuggets." Megan said through a mouthful of food.
"Yeah, well I remember a few weeks ago when the three of us went to McDonald's and you practically cried when they didn't have any nuggets, sooo." Jason told her.
"I did not cry!" Megan defended herself.
"Only because Avery made me buy you an ice cream." Jason laughed. Megan grinned as she munched on another chicken nugget.
"Well I have to start getting ready for work, so I better go." Jason told her once he realized the time.
"Okie dokie. Like I said, I'll keep you updated and let you know if anything changes." Megan told him.
"Thanks again for the food." Megan added.
"Enjoy the rest of your bed." Jason teased.
"Actually, I need to get up and get dressed as I'm going shopping with TK and Carlos for Avery's birthday present." Megan told him.
"Well, have fun with that." He told her. Megan laughed. They said their goodbyes before hanging up. Megan spent another half an hour in bed before she got and went to get showered and dressed. Within an hour she was meeting up with TK and Carlos to start shopping for birthday presents for Avery.

"Okay, you got your presents, I already have mine, did you find what you wanted Megan?" TK asked the teen as they stopped walking in the shopping centre outside of the shop Megan had just come out of.
"Yep, I found the perfect gift." Megan nodded.
"She did, I saw it, very accurate." Carlos laughed as Megan showed TK the necklace she had brought for Avery. It was handcuffs on a chain that had 'partners in crime' engraved on it.

 It was handcuffs on a chain that had 'partners in crime' engraved on it

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"I got myself a matching one." Megan added.
"Very accurate." TK agreed, laughing slightly.
"Right, let's head home then." TK said as they started walking again. After a few minutes, TK's phone started ringing. He stopped to put down one of the bags he was holding so he could get his phone out from his pocket. He showed Megan and Carlos the name on his screen before he answered the call.
"Hey Ave, what's up?" He asked his sister.
"You're not busy are you?"
"Not really, I'm just out shopping with Carlos, why?" TK lied, not wanting to reveal the real reason behind the shopping trip.
"If I text you an address, can you hop into an Uber and come here?" Avery asked her brother.
"What's happened? Are you okay?" He asked, concerned.
"I'm fine. Dad and I went for a hike, and he sprained his ankle so he can't drive." Avery explained to her brother.
"Okay, text me the address. I'll be there ASAP." TK said before hanging up.
"I have to go. Dad's sprained his ankle on the hike, and they need me to go drive them back. I'm going to get an Uber there, are you guys alright with all this?" TK asked Carlos and Megan.
"Yeah go. We can store this all at my place until her birthday. Avery hardly ever goes there." Carlos told his boyfriend.
"I hope your dads alright." Megan told TK before they went their separate ways.
"Come on then." Carlos told the teen. After loading up the car and driving home, Megan helped Carlos stash all the party supplies in his place before she headed home.

A/N - I posted chapter 17 & 18 together as I haven't updated since Dec haha! This now brings my story up to the same point as ChloeOgradyXo  so make sure to keep reading if you want to hear about Avery's birthday!

——————————————————A/N - I posted chapter 17 & 18 together as I haven't updated since Dec haha! This now brings my story up to the same point as ChloeOgradyXo  so make sure to keep reading if you want to hear about Avery's birthday!

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