Chapter Twenty-Four: Okay

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It had been a week and a half since the shooting. Megan was doing well. Avery had finally stabilized and had been taken off the ventilator and sedation. Over the past few days, they had been able to facetime each other, seeing each other for the first time since the shooting happened. Due to them both being so unstable after surgery, Avery more so than Megan, neither of them had been able to move to go see the other. That was until today. Megan pulled out her headphones from the movie she was watching on her iPad when Mike and Mario walked into the room.

"Up for a little adventure?" Mike asked his daughter, standing at her bedside as he disconnected her from the monitor and hooked her up to a portable monitor that Mario had clipped to the IV pole on her bed.

"Where to?" Megan asked as Mario moved the table with her iPad on it to the side. Mike unclicked the brakes as both men grabbed the bed railings.

"You'll see." Mario said happily as they started wheeling her out of the room. They only walked a few meters down the hallway before they stopped. Megan smiled when she realised where they were. Mike turned the bed and they pushed Megan into Avery's room.

"Hey stranger." Avery said with a smile on her face. Owen, TK, and Jason were sitting around her bed.

"Err, we'll give you two sometime alone. Let's go grab something to eat." Owen said, suggesting the last bit to TK. TK nodded and stood up with his dad.

"I'll join you." Jason added, realizing that giving the two teens some time alone was a good idea.

"How are you doing?" Megan asked Avery once they had pushed her bed right next to Avery's.

"I'm doing okay. How are you?" Megan asked her friend.

"A little sore but good." Megan simply said.

"We're both okay." Avery said, grabbing Megan's hand and giving it a squeeze when she saw the quick flash of anxiety across Megan's face. Megan smiled weakly and nodded, staying quiet so she didn't start crying.

"We'll be back in a bit, if you have any problems, call one of the nurses." Mike told the teens before he followed Mario out of the room.

A few days later, Megan was at her physio session with her dad. Now that her wound was healing well and she had gained some energy, the doctors were happy to let her start physiotherapy in order for her to rebuild the strength in her legs. She had been up and about for just under a week now but only to and from the bathroom. She had been too tired from the pulmonary embolism to do too much moving around. Today was her 2nd session and Megan was struggling. It was hard for her to even stand up, let alone walk. Every time she got up; her whole body ached. She was on the lowest possible level of pain medication possible, purely due to the fact that her doctors had refused to take her off the pain medication altogether due to the nature of her injury and recovery.

"I can't do it!" Megan growled frustrated as she collapsed back into the chair.

"Hey...yes you can! Come on, you've got this." Mike reassured her, giving her hand a squeeze. Megan looked up at him with watery eyes.

"I've done this myself, remember? I know how hard it is and how painful it is. But I know how strong you are, you can do this." Mike told his daughter. He didn't know her that long but by now he knew her well enough to know she would get through this.

"Look, hold on to me. I've got you." Mike reassured her as he helped her stand up. Megan looked at him.

"Trust me." He stated, as he held his arms out and held her arms tightly. He slowly walked backwards as Megan took small steps forward. After 10 or so steps, she had to sit down again, her legs started shaking badly.

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