Chapter Two: You Don't Know Me

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It's been a few days. The 126 are returning to the station after a callout. A car had collided with a bicycle. Luckily no-one was seriously injured and they were taken to the hospital to be treated. They were nearly back at the station when a call came over the radio.

Units from the 126 respond to person in distress
at 238 Pershing Drive. Apartment 3B.
Medical units 15 minutes out.

"That's 3 blocks away. Let's go." Owen stated, as he turned on the lights and sirens. Not two minutes later they were pulling up outside the apartment block where the call had come from.
"Grab the medical kits." Owen told his team as they jumped out of the trucks. Marjan and Paul grabbed the kits before everyone headed inside. As they walked in through the main door, they were met by one of the neighbours.
"Quickly, she's up here!" The woman exclaimed, leading them up the stairs. The team followed and a minute later the lady was leading them into an apartment.
"What happened?" Owen asked the neighbour as the team recognised the girl.
"I found her like this." The neighbor stated. The teen was unconscious on the ground, seizing.
"Megan?" TK called out, taking hold of the teen as the others did the same to stabilise her on her side. TK went above her head and stabilised her airway.
"Should we push diazepam?" Marjan asked, as the teen continued to seize. TK grabbed an oxygen mask and held it against Megan's face.
"No, no wait. She's probably taken something. This could be something to do with that" TK said aloud.
"He's right. Search around." Owen agreed, knowing his son could sense that the teen had taken something. Judd and Marteo looked around.
"Bingo" Judd said, walking back over with a small plastic baggy in his hand. "Looks like MDMA" TK commented, his past experiences coming into play.
"It could have been a bad patch. Marjan, push 2mgs of Narcan, she might be OD'ing." Owen ordered. Marjan nodded and grabbed the drug before she injected it into Megan's arm. As another minute passed, Megan slowly began to stop fitting. Once she had completely stopped, they rolled the teen back over and laid her down. Just then, the medics showed up.
"What do we have?" Michelle asked Owen.
"17 year old female. She was seizing when we arrived. Looks like she OD'd on MDMA so we gave 2mg of Narcan." TK explained as the medical team took over. He stayed by the teens head.
"It's Megan, the girl from the other day." He added, looking at Michelle.
"Okay, we've got her. We'll need help down the stairs though." Michelle reassured TK before she turned and said the last bit to Owen.
"Judd, Marteo, grab the stokes basket. We'll carry her down." Owen ordered.
"Copy that." Judd said going off with Mateo back down to the truck.
"Pupils are reactive to light." Michelle stated as they looked the teen over. As the medical team examined and treated Megan, the others got ready to assist when it came to moving Megan. Once the medical team were happy, they loaded Megan into the stokes basket and strapped her in before they cautiously started moving Megan down the stairs. Within ten minutes, they had safely gotten the teen down the multiple flights of stairs and out the ambulance. Marjan had put a few things together in a bag for the teen and handed them over to the medical team. As the ambulance drove away, TK helped the others put away the equipment before they headed back to the station. He couldn't stop thinking about the teen and he felt like there was more he could do.
"TK, hold up a minute." Owen said as they arrived back at the station and all went off to do their own thing. TK sighed and walked over to his dad with his hands in his pockets.
"What are you thinking about?" Owen asked his son.
"Megan." TK admitted quietly.
"Once is nothing. But two OD's in the space of a week? Dad, if we don't do something that girl is going to OD and no-one will be around to help." TK said seriously. He had been where she was and all he wanted to do was help.
"There's nothing that we really can do." Owen told TK.
"I'm going to stop by and see her after my shift. See how she's doing." TK said as he started walking off.
"I wasn't asking dad. I just want to make sure she's okay." TK called out as he continued walking off. Owen sighed and went to his office to do some paperwork.

As the end of shift came, TK changed out of his uniform and grabbed his bag before he headed out. He went out to his car and threw his bag into the back before she started up the engine. He was going to go see Megan in the hospital as he just couldn't get her out of his head.

It wasn't long before he arrived at the hospital. After finding out from the reception desk where Megan was, he headed to the ward where she was being kept in overnight. As he walked towards the teens room, he heard a commotion and sped up. As he turned the corner, he found Megan arguing with a nurse as she tried to find her bag of belongings.
"Megan." He said as he walked into the room. Megan stopped and looked at him before she continued pulling clothes out of the bag that was under her bed.
"What's going on?" TK asked the nurse.
"She's signing out A.M.A." The nurse sighed.
"Hey Megan, what's going on?" TK asked, hoping the teen would calm down seeing someone she recognised.
"I don't need to be here." Megan said as she started getting dressed.
"You OD'd. Not for the first time this week. You need help." TK tried to reason with the teen.
"No. What I need is to get out of here." Megan said, pulling on her trainers. He could see that there was no stopping the teen and sighed.
"Okay, just hang on a second. Please?" He said stopping her from leaving. Megan sighed. TK pulled out a bit of paper from his pocket and held it out to the teen.
"What's that?" Megan asked, hesitant to take it.
"My number. You can call me whenever. Day or night. If you want to talk. If you want help, for anything. Just, please, take it." TK said looking at her. Megan looked at him before she took the piece of paper.
"Thanks..." She mumbled stuffing it into her pocket. TK stepped aside, letting the teen leave. He sighed and watched as she quickly walked off down the corridor and out of sight.

A/N - Hey guys! Sorry it took so long to update, I've been crazy busy with college work and I've just not been in the mood to write. My deadline is soon, so after that I'll have more time and hopefully I'll write some more but updates will still probably be slow. 😁


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