Chapter 11

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They were back to normal now, just sailing, if only.

"Hey, Drita. Why haven't you taking those shackles off? You could easily break through them" Marco questioned,

She looked over to the still unconscious Rachel.

"I guess the king possibly thought that shifters had the same demonic aura demons have.. because he put a spiritual block on them. If I decide to go against these shackles I'll be burned. I need Rachel to take of the block" she answered, with a light growl as she looked down to the shackles on her ankles.

She hated these things, they were rubbing against her skin and kept her from putting her pants on, She Hated This Freaking Skirt Too! She hated a lot of things at the moment. She hated the fact that Rachel got stung, Rayden was being too quiet for the first time in his life! Marco kept asking questions to make sure she was ok, and the damn sailors taking them to the next kingdom kept staring at her! She was this close on snapping at something, and the water spraying her was NOT helping.

"Ok, so what ev-" "OK! Marco, I'm fine. Rachel, you better wake up soon. Rayden, I freaking hate it when you try to be quiet to not annoy me, you're free to do whatever the hell you want! And you men staring at me, better toss your stare to a willing human female, because this feline's this close on knocking all of you over the head a couple times!" she snapped, making all of them go quiet and look away from her.

She sighed before looking over to Rachel to see her stirring a little before one of her eyes popped open. She looked over to Marco and yawned a smile before she jumped up franticly looking around until her eyes landed on me. She ran over and threw her arms around me.

"You're ok! Thank the gods, my gosh you had me worried girl" she snapped up to me,

I shrugged a smile before I looked down to me shackles, she followed my stare and nodded before gently pushing me to sit against the railing and icing them.

"There you go" she smiled, looking up to me.

I smirked and kicked up my left leg snapping the chains in half before making them crumble into dust.

"That's what you get for trying to lock me up" she mumbled to herself making Rachel laugh before she gave her a hand up.

"Ok, now what?.. didn't you say you don't know where the shard is in the next kingdom" Rayden said,

She mentally smiled, all was good in the world again. She gave him a look before looking over to Marco.

"First we need to brush up on your skills. In the next kingdom we'll probably get separated, so no one can take your attacks" Drita said, crossing her arms.

Rachel nodded to herself a little unsure.

"We'll need to find a human village to get some proper clothes to wear" Marco spoke up,

They all nodded to themselves.


"I'll be staying here" Drita spoke up once they were on the outskirts of a village.

Yuro nodded to her in agreement before stopping beside her.

"Fine, but be careful" Marco warned,

"And I know your size so I can get your clothes" Rachel said,

She just nodded looking over to Rayden who looked unsure.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" he asked,

She shrugged in response before hopping on Yuro and trotting off somewhere with both Furisha and Lamyl in tow.

"She'll be fine, don't worry. She's probably just listening to her instincts, this is a hunters village" Marco explained,

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