2 ~ Losing it

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Chapter two ~ Loosing it

~ Dawod's point of view ~

I heard some noise telling me something fell behind me but did not bother looking. I rolled my eyes in disbelief, would they ever grow out of it? It was the same old song, as usual, the ones who had not matured enough to stop joking around took each other's stuff which in the end led to a serious situation.

I felt Ahmed's hand on my shoulder and looked up, he was looking behind me as to make me do the same, and so I did. I could not believe my eyes. There was a boy holding Mina's arm and her stuff that laid on the floor, with her bag's pocket open screaming empty.

I was about to rush there and push his hand off of her but he let go and said angrily "Couldn't you have turned around the first time I called for you?" That does it for me; I decide to dash there and punch him in the face when I hear an amused laugh.

"Dude, you scared me! How could you sneak up on me like that and scare me?" She stopped laughing and glared at him "Nevertheless, look at the mess you've created, I hope you will be ready to sort it out." She said, smiling teasingly and gesturing to her belongings on the floor. I looked away and hit something, which flew underneath the 'columns of lockers and got out of eyesight. I ignored it and saw that boy gather Mina's belongings and put them pack in her backpack.

I put my backpack on and signed for Ahmed that I was going, and waited for him, and then he put his bag on and closed his locker to follow me quickly. However, before I even took a single step forward I heard Mina talking with him again "Hey, Dylan, this is my BFF Salwa, Salwa; this is my new friend Dylan who I met in your sister's wedding." She giggled "Oh, by the way, what do you say about hanging out in the café newly established next to our college?"

Oh great, my wife is going to hang out with a boy whose mere name annoyed me. Hmm... well, she was my wife only in name but it still made me feel betrayed. I could not understand the reason, I mean, we were just friends right? Man, I think I might go crazy because of these thoughts.


I heard the pressing of the passcode and the beep of her finally coming home after three hours, while sitting in the living room reading Qur'an. "Alsalamoaleykom!" She greeted ecstatically. I replied to her greeting without looking up still feeling betrayed and irritated for some unexplainable reason. I knew that she would not interrupt me while I was connected to Allah, no matter how excited she was to talk, so I threw her out of my mind and continued on reading Qur'an until an hour had passed to get my silent revenge.

After putting my Qur'an on the shelf I went to my room ignoring her, not caring about the still remaining eagerness in her movements wanting to tell me everything in her head. She did not let that beat her and knocked on my closed door, entering without waiting for an answer. Bad choice, I had taken off my shirt, about to open my pants zipper.

"Hey, aren't you going ask why I am late?" She sighed playing disappointed.

I also sighed, putting my hands beside me and grabbing my shirt before going in front of her. She saw me and turned around in shock slightly giggling at his hot body, he thought. "No, I am not that desperate to know why you have been out for three hours without even bothering to call and tell me that you are going to be staying out for so long leaving me worried sick."

She stopped giggling and said "Aww, so that is why you have been ignoring me... Well for starters, I could not have told you that I was going to be late since I did not expect it to happen. You see, on my way home I met Camilla, you now the girl who had a crush on you in high school? We were so into talking about you that I forgot about the time and when I realized how late it was I hurried over as fast as I could!" She babbled on with joy in her voice and a smile on her lips. "You forgive me now right?"

I sighed, unable to keep up a sour face towards her sweet apologetic one "Sure, but you forgot to even say sorry amidst all that chattering" I smirked and watched her put her hands on her mouth, acting shocked no?

"Dude! I am so sorry, didn't know you would be so picky about it." She scoffed mischievously.

We continued to bicker until midnight before she gave in by going to her room with an amused beat laugh. I also laughed but rather at how she would give up as soon as it was bedtime since she needed her beauty sleep. After approximately five minutes, I heard a shattered scream from her room. I ran to her with all my might imagining all kinds of situations and getting ready for the unexpected. The situation seemed normal, expect for her room being incredibly messy, on the other hand, the expression on her face told me something else. I dashed towards her and asked what is wrong, sensing the fear in my voice, which spreads all over my soul.

She only looked at me with disbelief in her eyes. Looking extremely devastated. After what felt like years but probably only counted as minutes, she closed her eyes and put her head in her hands, squeaking with a faint voice "It's gone, I can't find it no matter where I look."


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