8 ~ Unexpected encounter

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Chapter eight ~ Unexpected encounter

~ Ahmed's point of view ~

I was strolling aimlessly around the neighborhood after lunch and getting done with my assignment. I planned to send it later on in the day after a final check.

I checked the time with my hand watch, 5 pm, and decided to visit Dawod. I put my hand in my jacket's pocket and pulled my phone out to call him and see if he had time to hang out. He answered after three signals and replied to my greeting.

"Waaleykom alsalam Ahmed. I am a little busy right now so if it is not urgent, I hope you can excuse me until I am free and then I will surely call you." His voice sounded different, as though he had caught a cold and hardly could speak.

"Oh okay, no its nothing urgent so please continue on doing whatever you were up to. Oh by the way, I just wanna be sure, you are not sick or anything right?" I knew that I was being overly sensitive and thoughtful, but there was certainly something wrong with his voice. I just had to make sure, and the assurance had to come from him.

"Great, I am great, do not worry about me dude, it does not suit you to be all softy." He laughed, but in my ears it just sounded bitter and sarcastic. "Just be the usual carefree you, because that is what makes you a pleasant friend. Bye now, I will surely call you later today!" Even though I was relieved that he was able to joke, I still sensed that something was off, but I could not point my finger at what that was.

He did not even wait for me to reply before he cut the line. So when I answered to his farewell with a Salam, it was directed towards the air in front of me. I did furthermore not let that get to me since I knew that in Islam it was granted that when no one answered to one's greetings then your the angels would, and the benevolence of that is so much greater.

I started heading home as I wanted to get my gym bag and sweat a bit in the gym nearby. I was in front of the house when a thought creeped into my mind. When Dawod described me just now he mentioned that I was a pleasant friend. Did he possibly mean that I was not his reliable friend whom he could get mental support from?

I felt really bothered and in no mood to take on a sweat in the gym. Instead I shifted my steps towards the bus stop arriving in the neighborhood where Dawod lived. I thought that if he did not believe in me as a multifunctional friend, I would prove him myself that I was.

I marched towards the apartment building which he lived in but did not press the bell. I would wait outside in the sun till he calls me so that I can get over to him directly.

I looked around to see if there was anywhere to sit, but there was not. There was some planted grass beds beside each apartment building surrounding them expect for from the front, where you get in. I laid down close by in the shadow of the building for a while.

Soon I felt like it had become too cold so I stood up, meaning to get further to let the sunlight warm me up. I heard a ringing sound and reached for my phone in my pocket, but when I was holding it, there was not any caller. I looked around and spotted where the noise was coming from.

There was a lady standing in front of the building which Dawod, and certainly this woman's acquaintance lived in. I did not seem to be needed so I just laid down in an spot where the sun reached with it's shine. I enjoyed the summery atmosphere as the scent of the bitterness from grass went up my nostrils. I took a deep breath and sighed, I could not believe how relaxing spring could be. I opened my eyes to capture the scenery of the floating clouds above me but shut them just as fast. The intensity of the sun blinded me and got me back to reality.

I sat up in disbelief and laughed at my goofiness. I had forgotten myself in the midst of the wonderful situation and forgotten to thank Allah for it all. I put the sides of my hands together to form a small cup and stretched it up. "Alhamdullilah, Subhanallah, Allahoakbar, Lailahaillaallah." I suddenly felt like crying because of the pease I felt in my mind, the sweet flutter in my chest and the overwhelming situation.

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