Part 10

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No but seriously should stackson be a bromance or a romance

Stiles pov

"Hey, can you two watch Willam for me today?" Oliver asked me and the guy in the red leather.

"Yea, We were about actually to get Belly Burger. I'll take him with us." Roy replied yawning after.

Roy's pov

"Uncle stiles, can I get a triple stack." Stiles laughed.

"Just like Rene, but yea you can." William went up to order, the sarcastic boy was about to follow him before I stopped him.

"I feel like someone is watching us." He looked around, suspiciously.

"Me to, we need to keep a eye on William." The boy walked back to our table with our food and smiled. Laughs and smiles were traded. But that whole entire time someone was watching us it's one of those stupid gut feelings.

Scott's pov

"Uncle? Stiles doesn't have a brother." The were-coyote said. This all just doesn't make sense.

"We should take a break, head out later tonight. Tonight we finally confront Stiles and Jackson." They both nodded and walked away.

Roy's pov

I can barely keep my eyes open while Felicity is telling us the latest big bad and his where about. All I see when I close my eyes are the bodies, all the people that died that night. It hurts to see stiles this concerned about me but he can't know what happened the 2 weeks I was away, he'll look at me like I'm worst than a monster.

"Arsenal, you good?" Oliver asked breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yea, let's go get this guy." I said trying to make them believe me, I looked at stiles and he's still looking at me with that pissed off disappointed look. I mouth 'I'm sorry' but he didn't care, he just went to go put on his suit.

Scott's pov

I was walking around the town trying to find Stiles to confront him, but that's when I saw them. I saw two of star city's vigilantes, Mischief and Arsenal. They were walking down and Ally way so I decided to listen into there conversation.

"So Arsenal you going to ever tell me what the hell is going on with you? Or you just going to be quiet for ever."

"The last one." Why do they sound so familiar? So I did something stupid I went over to them and stopped them.

Stiles pov

We heard footsteps behind us making us turn around immediately. Pointing out bows at him, then I realized who it was, I lowered the bow. Roy looked at me with the 'what the fuck we gonna do now.'

"I couldn't help it sorry, I know your probably in the middle of a mission. But you guys just sounded so familiar."

"Sorry but we don't know you. Move along kid." I said in the voice changer thing.

"No, swear I know you guys." Scott said.

"Yea, your not the first to say that." Arsenal said, The true alpha was looking at us with concertration.

"A red bow, short dude. Blue bow, omg when I was following stiles they had the same bows. Hold on Stiles?"

"Why were you following us, Scott?" The one in red asked.

"I saw my best friend who I thought was dead. Who obviously isn't and is living his best life." I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Not as good as you think buddy." I looked over at Harper and he was out of it.

Roy's pov

They're everywhere, the bodies. All of them are next to Scott, I feel really dizzy and lightheaded. My eyes are feeling really heavy, I can't tell what's real anymore. Stiles keeps saying my name but it's like I'm paralyzed. The words from my dreams kept on repeating in my head 'you deserve all of this."

Then everything went black and I felt my head hit the ground.

"ROY!!!" Stiles screamed that was last, real person I heard. Before I completely blacked out.

I wonder what happened to Roy those two weeks he was gone? No but Seriously I have no clue.

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