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Jesse playlist
Fragrance to fire
Dunsin oyeka


Never had it been since the existence of Oshimiri that the festival of priests was held with no sacrifice.

Ikuku was in a deep rage,the search for Ikenna  daughter had proved futile ,leaving them all confused and unorganized.

Oshimiri wouldn't even hearken to their call despite all sacrifices offered.

Ikuku looked befuddled as he stared at his sons wife as she was laid down at the wooden alter tied, unconscious and ready for sacrifice since the the daughter was no where to be found, Ikenna wife was the only option for tonight sacrifice.

The masquerades of Oshimiri danced round the  community ,servants of the deity carried  Ikenna in a wooden carriage decorated with colourful feathers as he was clad in a black skirt from his waist down to his feet his wrists was adored with red cowries bangles  ,his eyes was painted with black charcoal , his head was adorned with an animal skinned crown ,his bare feet dusted with Nzu.

Ikenna had been placed in a trance where he didn't know what he was doing as he was dead to the physical world as he was out of his own will matched round the community.

Obike led the masquerades as they danced to the village square along side loyal members of Oshimiri garbed in black outfit,there eyes dusted with Nzu,this group of people hollered and danced a bit further from the masquerades.


Jesse worked along side his crusade crew and members as they prepared  the market place for the crusade ,darkness slowly spread its blanket over the sky ,he could hear the distant shout and sound of music,he knew the festival of the priest had begun.

"This is insanity ,Lord Jesus have mercy on us all"
He walked back home to wash off the dust and sweat from his body when he felt a presence around him.

"Show yourself ,I am not afraid of you"

"You cursed son of the earth,you have refuse to hearken to my warnings, I will make sure I send you to the land of the spirits without a trace" Ikuku made his presence known.

"You claim your god is the most power why are you afraid"

"Tahh!Tahh,ikuku is scared of no one ,I will make sure you live to regret this day "Ikuku ranted as he disappeared into the wind he was enraged

"The Battle is of the lord "Jesse shouted into the wind.

There is power
In the name of Jesus
There is power
In the name of Jesus
To break every chain
Break every chain
Break every chain.

Jesse was surprise at the turn out of people for the crusade,one of the praise band led them in worship session he walked down to the front to join pastor Thomas who sat at the front ,his eyes scanned round the market place ,he sighted mama Osita,mama Adanna and her daughters,Nwoke and Afam were assisting at the entrance to keep everything in order,almost everyone around had become important and a part of his life they were all willing to follow the path of light without turning back.

He recounted his blind journey all the way from Lagos down to the east to a community with strange name and strange god,what ha had faced,seen and overcame,the diverse miracles ,how many lives have been transformed and made beautiful,this people came here because they wanted a new reason to leave ,a breath of fresh air,he sighted Nnomma ,he felt his heart skipped a bit,she was among the ushers
'You love her Jesse' well he would analize those  feelings later.

He frowned when he did not find somma.

Jesse turned to pastor Thomas to whisper in his ears
"I thought Somma left the  house with Nnomma and the rest,where is she"

"I noticed her absence too,wait I would go and find her"

Somma they both know had been restless wanting to go save her parents from oshimiri shrine

"Please, thank you..I believe the God at work here today would deliver her parents"

"Amen pastor,I will go check around"

Pastor Thomas walked briskly down to where Nnomma stood "Sister" He called out as she left what she was doing to face him

"Yes pastor"she irked her brows at him seeing the worry on his  face

" have you seen Somma?"

"Somma?" Nnomma eyes scanned the crowd "she was just right at that seat" she pointed at an empty seat at  her left side "where could she had gone"

"Oh no !can you please tell Pastor Jesse to go ahead with the program am going to look for her" Pastor Thomas replied Nnomma as he hurriedly dashed out of the premises heading towards the village,he was certain Somma had gone back to the shrine to save her parents all by herself.

The worship session came to a halt ,pastor Jesse walked majestically to the wooden stand his eyes scanned the whole surrounding,he raised his brow when he sighted the one eyed man that had confronted him at Oshimiri shrine.

"In the name of Jesus any force from the pit of hell planning to stop this meeting is destroyed "Jesse declared holding a mike at his right hand

"Amen" the crowd chorused

"Today I will reveal why I brought you all the way here son ,my power is not for showoff"

Jesse heard the silent whispers in his ears as he nodded in acknowledgement to the voice.

"2chron 20 vs 12
Our God will thou not judge them,for we have no might against us,neither know we what to do,but our eyes are upon thee'

Tonight we trust The Almighty God for judgement and deliverance in this community...

"'I want you to go down to that festival and  prove my power,I will raise a standard against them that had risen against me'

" we are going to match down as soldiers of Christ to where the festival of the priests is held and let them feel the brunt of Gods judgement"

Jesse told the brethren as he held his Bible and anointing ,his crew tagged along with him including the members as they all danced and sang to the village square all ready for war.

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