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Jesse playlist
In control

Jesse had driven down to the entrance of the community to welcome the crusade crew,he had taken Afam, Nnomma and mama Adanna as company ,he parked under the shade of a tree by the side of the cleared road to wait for their arrival,.

Jesse walked out to relax at the bonnet of his car so they could recognise him hopefully ,he had gone back to Nwoke compound from the mountain,he took a shower and  changed into a simple T-shirt and chinos trouser after his encounter with the priest of Oshimiri at the mountain.

"So you mean to say you and Ikuku crossed path today " Nnomma asked coming to join him

"Why else do you think I had dust all about me ,That priest does nothing but brags ,soon by the hand of the Almighty God his god will fall face down to the ground just like the gods of the Philistines to the glory of the most high God"

"I can't imagine how big four days time would be,I can't stop having this feeling that something bad is going to happen pastor"

Just when Jesse was about to reply her,they sighted the luxurious white bus coming to a halt in sighting them the door opened as a young man around Jesse age jumped down the bus with a wild smile

"Pastor its been a while"

"Pastor Thomas ,what are you doing here " Jesse embraced him out of excitement as other members stepped down from the bus wanting to stretch or have a moment of recess.

"I came down to Nigeria three days ago for the ministers meeting,Pastor Dotun your father sent me here to assist in anyway I can trusting God for help"

"Of course your assistance is very much needed ,you all are welcome,thank God for a safe trip" He greeted them all his excitement matching that of the crew as they exchanged handshakes .

"Thank you pastor" the crew all  chorused

They all drove down to Nwoke house Jesse leading the way,Nwoke and some of the church members had volunteered to host the guests from the city till after the crusade.

It was a ten minutes ride back to Nwoke house where the compound was crowded with people that had automatically became church members ,they had come to greet the guests from the city with different dishes they had prepared,they were all excited for the coming crusade .

Afam leaped down from pastor Jesse car and shouted at the crowd "umuchukwu tōñû Jesus Igwe"

The crowd churused and danced displaying there excitement as they welcomed the guests .

Jesse asked pastor Thomas to say a word to the people on behalf of the crew, the people had first laughed at his south African accent and clapped in praise.

Pastor Thomas laughed too at himself
"Not minding that I am not an Igbo man,I am happy be here with you all and we bring the message of peace,love  of Christ and lots of gifts from the head church to you all,we are also here to pray with you all trusting God for a wind of change to blow in this community as we all would come as one accord to call on the name of the lord ,And I also join in agreement with my friends here to decree that before we live this place your life will never remain the same and there shall be a turn around here in Jesus name"

"Amen" the crowd chorused

"We are privileged to be here ,you all are beautiful people  and are destined for greater things ahead,thank you" pastor Thomas finished

They gaveca round of applause and continued the celebration as Bible was distributed,including food stuffs and clothing's.


It was two days to the festival of the priests ,the masquerades and servants of Oshimiri had all gathered to be fortified at the shrine ,left for Ikenna and his family who was still locked away in the hut

Ikenna had been restless for days now  thinking of when fate would present an opportunity and here was it.
The window in the hut was guarded with strong woods ,he sure couldn't break .

"We must leave this place today " he spoke to his wife

"How ?" Charlie asked she had been observant of him this past few days knowing there was something building up in that restless mind of his.

As if fate was on his side he saw one of the servants passing .
"Quickly somma pretend as if you are dying" he spoke somma played along and fell to the ground

"Hey!hey!go get water my daughter is dying " he called the servant from the window the dark servant liked at him with self doubt "am sure you wouldn't want to be used as food for Oshimiri, hurry with  a pot of water please"

The clueless servant had ran to get a pot of water ,he opened the door knowing she was an important sacrifice he opened the door wanting to help before he would have thought of saying Jack Robinson Ikenna had knocked him off to unconsciousness .

Ikenna helped his daughter up as they all ran out of the hut ,out of the compound out into the bush,he wanted then to get as far as they could from the shrine ,he couldn't trust nobody knowing they were all loyal to his father and to the Deity.

Charlie followed at the back limping, she was too weak and in pains to run.

Ikenna spoke to his daughter somma as they ran
"No matter what happen never return back here,run as your legs could carry you and trust nobody till you leave this cursed land,do you understand me somma" he spoke strongly shaking her to make her understand

Somma nodded in tears as they his behind a tree to wait for her mother,she was slowing them down,Ikenna could tell from the wild pick of the wind that they had noticed they were gone.

"Sweetheart hurry up " Ikenna urged tensed

Charlie fell face flat to the ground weak and in tears, the wind had caught up with her,it wrapped around her feet like manacles


"Go without me please" she cried giving up the struggle

"Mummy " somma was about to scream when her father clamped her mouth shut with his palm,the masquerades held cutlass and hailed a war song.

"Listen to me you must leave this place alive with or without us" he warned strongly "go somma run "

The wind this time was was shaking the trees in the forest path Ikenna knew Ikuku powers was at work

"What about mummy ?what about you" she wept when her father gave her a chance to talk seeing the pains her mother was going through, charlie a was bleeding in her  nose and ears.

"We can't leave her there" somma had urinated on her body out of fear ,she had never experience such powers "Don't leave her alone dad"

"I won't leave your mother alone somma ,you must go now,run run and don't look back" he pushed at her and watched as she ran turning her back once in a while to watch him until she was out of view.

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