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Jesse playlist
Restorer of my life
By pastor Paul Eneche

   A full calabash of water was splashed on charlie face ,she jumped from her sleep looking confused ,she had given in to sleep after being exhausted from tears,farnished ,thirsty and spent out from standing tied to a tree,her eyes was blood shot,her lips chapped ,her weave on was tangled and dangled roughly some in her mouth,she could perceive the stench of her own urine,she felt uncomfortable and dirty which made her wished so much this was all a dream that she was in the comfort of her home in the huge jacuzzi bath tub taking a warm shower.

Charlie could hardly stand on her own it was  the tree and the rope that bind her which kept her standing she leaned weakly on the tree ,her eyes recognized the stranger who had come to her house that faithful morning ,her knees buckled as her eyes roamed round thinking she would see her daughter
She called out weakly with her eyebrow irked unable to form a sentence.
Charlie gave Obike an angry look,it reminded Obike of a scorned woman ,his presence was like an ill wind that blows no good,no wonder he called himself the son of Ikuku.
  "Where is my daughter and husband ,what have you Ill begotten men done to them" she forced the words out
"Hahaha"obike gave a sadistic laugh

" you are the one that is Ill begotten woman,that is why you are cursed"he spoke menacingly.
"Which makes me wonder what an Educated and discernible man as my brother Ikenna saw in someone like you ,I smell ruin and destruction around you,Oshimiri is restless at your mere presence ,why? Why? I ask"

Charlie looked wounded but manage to give a smirk at her husband brother"why should your idol be restless at my mere presence when it has brought me nothing but agony"

"Oshimiri is not the reason for your agony ,the deity problems lies with Ikenna,he is the son of the soil ,the chosen one,it is only natural you got caught up in the web Ikenna had longed tangled with his own hands,but I wonder why your mere presence rattle Oshimiri ,blood have been shed human blood to pacify Oshimiri ,if I don't find out I will offer you up for sacrifice and then your daughter would be next"
Obike here raised his head to face her the way he looked reminded charlie of Baba otubana the beast ,she closed her eyes trying to hide how terrified she was ,trying to shake off such hunting memory when she heard obike ordered
"Unbind the woman and bring her along"
"What?" She quickly opened her eyes ,she watched as they dropped there calabash which oozed smoke and freed her from the tree
"Where are you taking me to" she asked "don't touch me " she screamed asthey held her arm strongly and dragged her along out of the compound into the forest following the silent Obike

"You call yourself Ikenna brother but you are nothing like him,am certain my Ikenna would rather die than become any thing evil like you all,blood sucking vampires"

Obike came to a halt Charlie thought she  felt the ground shook ,dust had risen down her feet ,there was an angry howling of the wind as bird noisomely fled from the trees ,he turned to glare at her with his whole body vibrating with anger, she tried to run but his men held her tight ,Obike hand landed on her cheeks ,she was yet to comprehend why Tue bones in  her neck had not snapped, blinding tears ran down her eyes.

"I am obike, the son of Ikuku ,no one dared talked to me that way,I have your life and that of your family in my hands,before you start talking you should think twice,foolish woman"
"Drag her as fast as you can ,we must make it to Okosisi okalamuo hut before night falls"

"Where are you taking me to". Charlie asked unduated by the murderous look in obike eyes

" To the summoner"Obike looked at her wickedly before he continued walking without giving her a backward glance.

Ikuku the priest of oshimiri sat down in a round stone as he watched the young stranger moving from house to house talking about the the one they call the 'Supreme '  in his spiritual meetings with the spirits of priest under oshimiri that had ruled before him .

Ikuku looked so furious as his left hand shooked all he could do was roar and beat his chest,since he sensed his presence he knew that boy was going to be big trouble,he should have killed him a long time ago ,the boy wields a strange power that gave him the audacity to tamper with Oshimiri masquerades.

"Oshimiri let them feel your wrath...ALU...ALU"
(Alu is interpreted as an abomination or a bad omen)

Ikuku made some incantations then spit at the mirror "I have defeated many of his kind before ,I will do it again"
With that he walked down to the hut where his son Ikenna laid unconscious to the world his spirit was just a step away from the land of the living.

"Why Ikenna,why have you decided to bring such shame to  me ,I am your father ,you are suppose to be the son of the great Ikuku following after my footsteps instead you want to bring terror and confusion... Arise from your deep slumber Ikenna ,the time has come for you to inherit what is rightfully yours ,you must wield this staff to serve Oshimiri and rule the people of umumiri...A.r.I.s.e Ikenna"

There was a heavy mighty wind enough to forcefully pull the thatch out of the hut,the black curtain in the hut rented into two almost throwing Ikuku to the ground.

"Fight this all you want Ikenna ,remember your family life are already in jeopardy,don't push me son" Ikuku warned gravely raising his staff to calm the wind

Suddenly everywhere was still Ikenna shivered as tears ran down his eyes ,opening it weakly his eyes held that of his father
Ikuku eyes shone like that of a man ready for war
While Ikenna eyes shone like that of a man defeated.

Just a few more chapters to go
To bring this story to an end

This is not my first story but the very first
I had put my heart to want to finish

I feel so excited

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