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   JESSE rose from his bed, hands pressed together on his face trying to rub off sleep from his eyes, the strange nightmares he had this time had kept him up till morning.

   These nightmares had hunted him ever since he was a child it was something he was still yet to curb after so many years, gone are the days when he would run to his parent's room or lie in his father's lap with the light switch on.

He studied his room, it had been as he left it for south Africa to study and assist in ministry works, he smiled at the bookshelves that held old school books and novels, pictures of his growing up memories with his parents and that of role models such as Abraham Lincoln, Wole Soyinka, Ronaldino, Kano Nwakwo and the likes of them surrounded the walls of his room with a golden boot that hung close to the portraits he got it as an award in his secondary school days.

He had also received several medals and honours as the best footballer in school but failed at his studies he laughed at the worn-out football boots and the old football as it was wrapped in a transparent wrapper his mum had refused him to take them along to south Africa.

Jesse sighed for a while it took his mind off his plight "it feels good to be home" he muttered as he watched the golden sun cast its rays through his widow, after a few moments of recess he knelt to pray again for the third time that morning before he went to freshen up.

"Good morning son"
He heard his mother's voice from the door, she squeaked as she came to hug him

"Good morning mum, you look good," he said appraising her she was clad in a long flowing gown and a matching head tie looking radiant.

"Why didn't you tell us you are coming back to Nigeria yesterday" her smile warmed its way into his heart.

"Am so sorry mum...yesterday was hectic I rushed in to rest without announcing my arrival, though Prisca told me you and daddy went for a church program"

"Yes, pastor Ashimolowo invited your father for a power-packed communion service on Friday and I felt so blessed "

"That so I wish I made it in time to partake and I miss the pastor, it been a while you know"

"Yes son" Mrs Dotun smile "please tell me you slept well"

She asked looking at his baggy eyes which were obvious he barely slept
Jesse shrugged going to the mirror to brush his cropy dark hair "mummy all is well with God"

"Yes keep that faith alive son, let's go have breakfast" she held his hand reassuringly as he followed her downstairs to the living room.

"Where is daddy"

"Just so you know he thinks it's absurd you are here in Nigeria instead of overseeing the church branch in Johannesburg"

"That's why I am here to convince daddy that I have my reasons for coming back," he said more to himself

Pastor Dotun was a slightly robust man in his mid-sixties with a receding paste of dark hairline which was dusted with salt, he had this aura of warmness around him, a smiling face and eyes that bore intelligence and wisdom, he was a man who talked only when needed.

Jesse had concluded long ago within himself that his father was more of a teacher than a pastor and wished for such good traits, he had been a backbone, a father and a spiritual father.

" aah! You two decided to come down for breakfast" Pastor Dotun frowned already warming his hands together like someone who had been starved for days.

"Good morning daddy" Jesse smiled and bowed his head low

"Welcome home son" the pastor stood up to receive his son into his embrace patting him on the back

"Thank you dad and I know you have questions to ask but I promise you I left the church at Johannesburg in good hands, pastor Thomas has the calling by the grace of God he will do more efficiently than me"

Pastor Dotun chuckled "ooh Jesse I have questions alright but  I miss having you here...can we have breakfast as one family"

They all laughed as they sat down to eat
"Please pray for the meal son" Mrs Dotun beamed

"Lord bless this meal we are going to eat
Bless those that don't have
May we eat and be healthy with long life

They all chorused "Amen"

An hour later the family was seated in the huge living room, Jesse felt it was time to talk to his family
"Daddy now is a good time I want to talk to you and mom" He spoke confidently calling the attention of his parents

Pastor Dotun was engrossed in the daily newspaper but he raised his head to study the young man that sat opposite him despite the fact they had no facial resemblance, Jesse reminded him of his boyhood, he had that swagger that made him different from others, his attitude and will to survive.

"Go on son, we are all ears" he turned to stare at his wife and she nodded in approval

Jesse cleared his throat not used to being scrutinized "Before I left Johannesburg for Nigeria, the spirit of the lord spoke to me in a dream
The voice said 'I know what I am planning for you, I have good plans for you, not to hurt you, I will give you hope and a good future

" Jeremiah 29:11" pastor Dotun quoted smiling

"I have been asking God for direction to reveal his purpose for me, the constant nightmares that torment me and his words came to me saying my place was not in South Africa, that he is sending me back to my origin he will be with me till the end
He will take me where I would find answers"

"Colossians 1:16 says everything got started in God and finds its purpose in him
I am nothing but a mere instrument that God had used to reach out to you, though we couldn't conceive a child, God gave you to us as a gift, now he has called you my son go and do the work he has sent you, may God bless you keep you and cause his face to shine upon you"

"Amen" Mrs Dotun and Jesse chorused

"Jesse my son always have the confidence to approach God's throne where there is grace, where we always obtain mercy, there you will find grace when you need it the most" Mrs Dotun advised
They joined hands as a family in agreement and prayed together committing it all to the hands of God.

It's Easter Monday guys
How are you enjoying the lockdown
As for me am tired of sitting at home but
Not bored at all got interesting books in my
Library to kill boredom
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