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    So sorry fam for not posting early
This episode is dedicated to ya all for viewing.
          NWAM why do you insist on going to the farm today, please stay here with me" Mama Osita spoke to her son her mind troubled.

"Mama you and your superstition again"Osita chuckled "I am a hunter if I don't go to check my games today they will all rotten or get swollen"

He picked up his gun cleaned it with a piece of rag getting ready to leave, the smoke that oozed from the kitchen fire had turned mama Osita's eyes red and made them watery, she sneezed a time or two as she stared at her son and spoke with a serious tone

   "I had a very strange dream that the Orange tree in our backyard fell flat to the ground"

  "How does that concern my going out to the bush mama, and the Orange tree in our backyard is still standing" Osita laughed at how ridiculous her story was

  "You planted that tree Osita when you were just a child and you know people are dying anyhow in this community I don't want you to be used as food for Oshimiri oh"

Osita bent down to meet his mother's eye level
  "Mama nothing is going to happen to me, if I bring my wife home is that how you will treat me like a (tata) baby in front of her, I am a man you will see your son will be back in no time" He tried convincing her

"My blood is too bitter for oshimiri to drink"

  "Okay ohh! biko come back early ohh your life is more important to me than Bush meat"

  "Yes mama, I will be careful, please don't forget to give Nnoma the keg of palm wine to give to her father"

"I won't forget, go well"

"Oohh mama"

      Osita hit the road whistling a song only known to him, thoughts of his wife-to-be made him grin in less than a week he would go and pay for her bride price, it was this nonsense festival of Oshimiri that had withheld his plans but he just couldn't wait any longer.

The morning chills frost his feet and palms, the day was barely young so the path was lonely, he very much understood that fear had gripped the whole community of Umumiri since loved ones had left for the bush or stream and never returned gone were the days when he would run into a palm wine tapper or a farmer or his fellow hunter in the bush, it was only the croak of the frogs and cricket in the bush that exchanged pleasantries with him.

   The shrine usually celebrates a big feast which happens once in a blue moon, it was for the coronation of a new chief priest that would take over the shrine and lead the people, according to tradition the masquerades of Oshimiri would go out to hunt for fresh blood this would go on until the new priest have been coronated it has not happened in years because the community had fervently prayed for the long life of the current chief priest because a new festival was always bloody and deadly.

    It took a while for Osita to notice that a strange wind seem to be dancing around him something powerful that insects scuttled to hide in the bush
Osita stopped to take a look around him but couldn't see anything

"Who are you " he shouted to the wind setting his gun like a warrior ready for battle

"Show yourself now" he fired the first shot in the wind and waited for the wind to stopped

"Tufiakwa" Osita spats and walked quickly as his legs could carry him not want to be scared but the words of his mother had taken a toll on him.

"Mama...mama ohhh" Nnoma called out from  outside Osita compound dropping the sack bag she held

Nnoma was a girl in her early twenties dark-skinned and in her prime youth she had faced rejection from the people in her community due to the misfortune that had befallen her family but Osita accepted her for who she was and in a week they would be man and wife she felt excited and could not wait for that day to shame her enemies.

"Ah ah, my Sons wife you came very early" mama Osita emerged out from the backyard carrying a bowl of unpeeled melon seed

  "Good morning mama, I wanted to come to help out with the house chores"

  "Ohh nneoma thank you so much"

"No problem ma, I brought some ripe fruits I know Osita likes them" Nnoma replied

  "Hmm! " Mama frowned going to sit down as she looked up at the cloud

  " what is it mama," Nnoma asked sensing her change in disposition "where is Osita"

"My heart is restless my daughter because the clouds don't seem to be bright anymore"

  "Hmm..mama hope all is well" Nneoma paused "you speak in riddles" she looks confused

"Your betrothed has gone to check his games in the bush"

"Then why are you worried mama, I guess he should be back soon" Nnoma replied

  "I pray so too, now you can go keep the fruits and least I forget Osita kept palm wine to be sent to your father"

   She stood up with that and walked to the back of the house without turning to watch the confused Nnoma.

Hope you enjoyed  this episode

What do you think will happen to Osita
Will he come back home or will his mother's dream be proved through

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Love ya all

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