Chapter 12

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You, Biggs, Jessie, Tifa, and Wedge were sitting down at the table in Avalanche's hideout, listening intently as Barrett spoke. That is, everybody but Tifa.

She had just lost her childhood friend, and though she tried really hard to act like nothing was wrong, to carry on for everyone else's sake, she wasn't very convincing. Her stare was blank and every once in a while she'd tear up, looking anywhere but people's eyes as she fought them down. The group tried to comfort her, but she kept insisting she was fine.

This was the meeting you had been waiting for, the meeting where you'd figure out what to do about the men looking for both you and Barrett. You had already volunteered to go check out the Corneo mansion and finish the business with your little stalker, but so far that's been pushed aside or discouraged. You understood their hesitancy, but you also couldn't spend another day with the fear of a stalker hanging over your head. You couldn't stand to live like this anymore, and if you met him up at the mansion, you'd be much more prepared than if he found you. There would also be the element of surprise on your side.

"I asked some of guys in the watch about this Corneo character. Apparently he's the crimelord who runs Wall Market. I'm sure you've all heard the rumors about him," Barrett took slow, paced steps as he spoke.

"See? Another reason you shouldn't let Y/N go in there!" Biggs added. Barrett stopped in his tracks, staring the man down. So far, Biggs has interrupted the meeting a number of times to share his distaste for your involvement in any plans.

"Will you let me finish?" He barked. Biggs slid back into his chair, crossing his arms over his chest.

"So why is he interested in you?" You asked, ending the tense silence.

"I'm not sure of anything, but I think we all know why he's interested. Depending on his intentions and his loyalties, this Corneo guy might become a real problem for us."

"You think he might be working for Shinra?" Jessie spoke up.

"Can't be sure without proof."

"You think they're all in on it? All his goons?" You asked, "Maybe that's why one of 'em picked me on the train. Maybe he knew I was part of it. Maybe that's why he's... well, stalking me."

"No. He picked on you on the train because you were a pretty girl sitting right across from him. He's stalking you cause you almost knocked his lights out. You probably embarrassed him." Biggs said.

"Hold on, I embarrassed him? He embarrassed me!"

"He cowered in his seat while Biggs dragged you away. I'm sure it embarrassed him." Jessie said

"Probably hurt his pride or something. He seems like the kind of guy who wouldn't let the little things go, so if he thinks you slighted him on the train, he's gonna fight dirty by bringing his little crew to terrorize you," Biggs leaned further back into his chair.

"The nerve of that guy..." you seethed, "he knows he's not scary alone so he gets a group of men to come intimidate me."

"Or who knows, some of the other people on the train could've let him have it once you left the car. Maybe that's why he's upset." Wedge added.

"Really? Cause they didn't seem to stand up for me when I needed it," your voice trailed off, leading to a momentary pause in the conversation.

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