Chapter 9

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The rest of the mission went swiftly. Not smoothly, swiftly. It was just as action packed as before, but things happened so fast that you could hardly keep up. It was chaotic, to say the least. Just as Roche left, more mechs had surrounded your team. Wedge was bound in chains by one of those metal monsters in Cloud's place, as he had jumped in front of the mercenary. With one less member able to fight, your group was quickly overwhelmed, and for a moment there, it seemed like none of you were going to make it out alive.

Then came the unexpected savior: another Avalanche cell. They swept in just in time to take down the mechs and come to an injured Wedge's aid.

The three of you left as quickly as they came. You didn't mean to abandon Wedge, he was safe with the avalanche cell, but for the sake of the privacy of your team and it's plans, you all had to go. If you didn't, they'd surely capture you and ask questions. Wedge would understand. If anything, he'd be offended if you stayed. He never liked feeling like the team's stumbling block, so staying there and getting caught would hurt his pride more than anything. They'd drop him off sooner or later, completely unharmed.

The three of you figured it was the Avalanche cell that had cleared the entrance of security before you arrived. But what for, exactly? They had something planned, but you had no idea what could be. Since your branch of Avalanche had been booted out from the rest, these kinds of things didn't spread to your group. The rest of the organization rarely ever did concrete work for the cause, they were cowardly, all bark no bite. But a rumor was spreading around, suggesting they were ready to get more forceful with Shinra. Apparently, they were working with Wutai. They had promised to give the nation all the materia they desired if they'd help the effort to take down Shinra. Still, it was just a rumor, and with no evidence to corroborate that claim yet, it would remain just a rumor.

You, Cloud, and Biggs made your way to the rendezvous point Jessie told you about. A large number of Avalanche trucks were parked haphazardly outside, and it seemed like Shinra reinforcements on their way, for you could hear the sirens ringing. Your group really raised hell; Jessie would be proud. As the three of you walked towards the lot, a familiar face peaked from behind a crate.

"You made it! Over here!" Jessie stood up and waved. But then she gasped, looking at something approaching from behind.

There were voices of Avalanche members along with the sound of a vehicle driving closer, and before you could even process what was happening, a hand dragged you towards the outermost crates in the lot, and then an arm wrapped around your waist and pulled you to hide behind them. Without even having to look, you knew it was Biggs. That cologne was unmistakable. His body was almost pressed up against your back, and his arm had not released its firm grip around your middle. You could even feel his breath against your neck... that STUPID little crush of yours just couldn't take a break, now could it?

Jessie watched as the Avalanche truck parked, its inhabitants staying inside for now. An argument could be heard from inside the vehicle. She could see the driver, but the solid walls of the truck obscured the troops from view. So she waited for the driver to turn away, and when he did, she quickly crawled over to where You, Cloud, and Biggs were. At first she glanced at you, and then her eyes traveled to Biggs, and down to his arm around your waist and your back against his chest. She raised an eyebrow at the two of you, which caused you and him to separate quickly.

"Could you guys have been any louder? I mean, it made my job a lot easier, but," she whispered, stopping when she realized a member of the party was missing, "Wait, where's Wedge?"

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