Chapter 11

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You paced back and forth in the small room connected to the sector 5 reactor. You and Biggs had been waiting for your group to show up. It was 10:56 in the morning; they were supposed to meet up with you at 10:00. 

Something was going terribly, terribly wrong. The both of you knew it. Even before the mission began, you were weary. But after successfully sneaking onto the back of the train and without seeing that piece of shit pervert again, you thought that maybe it was a false alarm.

Your part of the mission went smoothly, you and Biggs had made it into the plate unspotted and did your job with plenty of time to spare. And up to that point, the plan Biggs made had been executed perfectly. Key phrase: had been.

Then your Shinra radio scanner picked up something about terrorists jumping the train. Your heart sank. It was them, your team.

That was two hours ago. They were almost an hour late. The tension in the room was uncomfortably thick as the both of you tried to keep calm, but as the minutes ticked by, it grew harder and harder to keep a positive outlook. You had to expend your nervous energy somehow, and pacing provided the perfect outlet.

Biggs, on the other hand, stood still in the corner of the room, his arms crossed and his eyes to the ground. His jaw was clenched tight, so tight he was in danger of cracking a few teeth. A gut feeling told him that this was going to happen. After all the recent omens, all the recent bad luck, he should've convinced Barrett to call off the mission. And now all he could do was wait and see if his friends would ever show up. He knew the only thing that would keep them from finishing the mission was death itself, and that didn't make him feel any better.

This was hell, you thought. Not knowing what condition your friends were in, not knowing how to finish the mission without them, the weight was growing on you. It was becoming a real possibility that they wouldn't make it, something the both of you would have to address. So you slowed your pacing until it reached a stop, and then you turned to face Biggs.

"... If they don't make it," you started, but then he cut you off.

"They will." He snapped. You stared at him for a moment, shocked at aggressive response.

"But if they don't... we need a plan for that possibility, too."

His gaze remained on the floor below him, though he finally released his jaw. He took a deep breath.

"Well... we've got the bomb with us, and Jessie made an extra detonator for this exact scenario," he began, finally making eye contact with you. His gaze softened at the look on your face, "We'd have to place the bomb ourselves and detonate it.... But they're coming, I know they are."

"How much longer should we give them?"

"A few more minutes."

As soon as the words left his mouth, other voices could be heard, as well as the clanks of footsteps on the metal grate floor. With each passing second they were growing nearer. A group of people, no doubt. It could either be your group or Shinra troops; neither of you were going to take any chances. You quickly backed up against the wall, and Biggs did the same on the opposite side of the room. Then, both of you moved to stand just behind the doorway. Your hand went to your gun, fingers curling around the grip as the footsteps grew closer and closer.

A figure stopped just outside the doorway, and the other members of the group stopped as well. Your heart skipped a beat. Did they know you were here?

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