Chapter 2

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A few lights attached to people's homes were the only guide you had that night in sector seven. It was a quiet night, too, which only made the experience more uncomfortable. You were already uncomfortable as it is, especially after what happened on the train, so this was no help.

Biggs walked beside you, his hands in his pockets. He was a good man for walking you home. And for holding you back earlier. You didn't know what you would've done without him. Killed the man? Gotten arrested? Exposed the whole team? You didn't want to think about it.

"Thank you again for... well, everything today," you spoke up, breaking the night's silence.

"It's no problem," he replied.

"And sorry for dragging you into it,"

"You didn't drag me into it," he looked over at you, "I made a choice to intervene."

"Yeah but you felt you had to make that choice, for the team's safety," you sighed, "if I could've just controlled myself you wouldn't have had to make that choice."

"Don't blame yourself, alright? The man deserves to get punched. I promise you, you won't be the last woman to swing at him,"

"But I put the mission in jeapordy,"

"That's only if they could connect us with incident. And last time I checked, any evidence that we were there went up with the reactor."

"True," you laughed softly, but something told you that he didn't fully believe what he was saying. You didn't either.

"My place is just around this cor-," you stopped in you tracks, making Biggs do the same. For in the dead of night, your voice was not the only one that could be heard. There were multiple voices, all male, coming from around the same corner you just mentioned.

"Come on, Man, just let one girl get away. We've been waitin' here all night!" An unfamiliar voice said.

"Said it a thousand times, No! She disrespected me, we're bringin' her to the Don!" Another voice said, and your stomach dropped. You recognized that voice.

It was the creep. He and who knows how many other men were outside your house. How in hell did he get your address? You felt like you were going to throw up.

Biggs looked back at you, eyes wide because he recognized the voice too.

"Did you hear that? I thought I heard someone talking a second ago," one of the goons said, and your heart stopped.

Biggs grabbed your wrist and ran. The air whipped past you as you ran as far away from those freaks as you could. Your heart was beating a mile a minute and your lungs couldn't keep up with the pace.

You looked back, thankfully not seeing any of those men running behind you. But still, you weren't safe. Not yet. You didn't even know where Biggs was taking you. His house maybe? As long as those men hadn't found his address too, it may be safe. But you'd have to move after that. Surely they would look into him eventually.

You kept checking over your shoulder, afraid that the moment you took your eyes away from the street behind you, they would see you and catch up with you. As much as you wanted to keep running forever, you couldn't. Your lungs were burning, your abdomen was aching, every muscle in your body was beginning to protest.

Biggs slowed down, looking behind one last time before stopping at his door. He rifled though his pockets for his keys, finally finding them and jamming one into the door. Once he unlocked the door, he swung it open, pulled you inside, and closed it again.

You watched as he locked his front door and then went around his house, pulling all of his curtains together. Ragged breathed filled and left your lungs, in and out, in and out. Tears were welling up in your eyes and you had no control to stop it. You couldn't believe this was happening.

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