Chapter 17

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A/N: Sorry it took over a year for an update lol. Ya girl's been through it. But I promise I will finish this fic this year. There are only two chapters left after this.

The familiar lights of sector 5 came into view. They shone like beacons of hope, sparkling in the dreadful darkness. Relief washed over you at the sight, albeit only for a moment.

Crowds of people were staring up at the sky behind you, pointing, gasping, and whispering to each other; the fear in their eyes was impossible to miss. Children were crying, people were moaning in pain, and worst of all, every gunshot and every explosion carried through the air as if it were right behind you.

"Help! We need a doctor!" One of the neighborhood watch boys shouted.

Some of the crowd turned their eyes to look at your bloody, panicked group. More gasps, more whispers of disbelief, looking at your dear friend like he was some type of sideshow attraction. Some of the parents shielded their children's eyes.

There was blood, so much blood. It dripped onto the dirt below; a puddle began to form. You felt sick.

You tore your eyes away from the sight.

"Is anyone a doctor?!" You shouted, eyes darting through the crowd for someone, anyone to help.

A white coat caught your eye, worn by a man crouching down on the dirt and wrapping bandages around a woman's arm. There were a few other wounded people sitting or lying around the man, but none nearly as urgent as Biggs.

"Hey!" You shouted, pushing through the crowd to reach him, "Doctor!"

The man looked up at you.

"We need your help!" You said.

You grabbed him by the arm before he could reply and dragged him towards your friend. You shoved him the final distance towards Biggs.

He stumbled, but quickly regained his composure as he looked at the source of your commotion.

"Oh my god," the man muttered. There was too much blood, anyone could see that. He placed two fingers on Biggs' neck. You felt your own heart stop as you waited for him to say something, anything.

A woman pushed her way through the crowd. Tan skin, dark curly hair, and glasses; She looked familiar.

"Biggs!" She shouted, running forward to get a better look at him.

She stopped in her tracks and gasped, her eyes wide like saucers at the sight.

"Quick!" She beckoned, "bring him inside!"

She ushered the men into the nearest building: the orphanage. Biggs had taken you there many times before. It always felt so warm and full of life, but this time was different. The children all crowded around the windows, oddly silent.

They all turned to look as the doors bust open, a group of men carrying a bloody, limp form up the nearest staircase. The face of the man was hidden from most of the children, who were either too short to see past the men's heads or had their eyes covered by one of the caretakers.

Except for one little girl. Five, maybe six years old, who just happened to be on the stairs as the men were going up. Her face grew pale at the sight, and her lip began to quiver.

"Biggs?" She asked.

The rest of the kids heard it.

Gasps, questions, shouts, and cries erupted before any of the caretakers could stop it. Children rushed forward, following you and the group of men up the stairs. Most were pulled back by the caretakers, but not without a struggle. The children were nearly impossible for the small staff to contain, and a few stragglers made it to the second floor.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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