Chapter 4

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"Are you sure about this?" You asked, one hand tight against your holstered gun.

"I checked the whole sector for weirdos and I didn't find any," Jessie replied. "Well, besides Biggs here, but you seem to be fine with him."

You laughed a little, looking up to see his reaction. Though he rolled his eyes, you could tell he still found it funny.

"Are you completely sure?" He asked. She turned around and raised her brows.

"There's no such thing as completely sure." You knew she was right. There was no way to confirm without a doubt that you'd be safe. But she did try, and you trusted her. That didn't erase your anxiety though, as you had a death grip on Biggs' hand. Jessie took notice of this, giving you a knowing look even though you swore it was platonic.

The three of you had just started the short journey to Seventh Heaven, where you would have to tell Barrett about everything. As much as you wanted to keep everyone out of your business, including Barrett, he had to know about this. He was the Leader, the oldest, maybe he'd know how to fix the situation. Even if he didn't offer any solutions, he was a good 300 pounds of pure muscle, not to mention his gun for an arm. He would definitely keep you safe.

After a moment of hesitation, the three of you hit the streets. A few heads turned at the sight, filling you with dread. You, Biggs, and Jessie were all well known around the sector 7 slums because you were all part of the neighborhood watch. Still, the few eyes that followed gave you an unsettling feeling, like something was gonna go wrong. You prayed it was a false alarm.

But no, you couldn't be that lucky, because as you turned the corner towards the bar, you spotted them. Just a few feet away from the steps of the seventh heaven was the creep, along with his group of men. And by the look of their clothing, they meant trouble. As soon as you had seen them, he had locked eyes with you.

You stopped in your tracks, something that both Jessie and Biggs did at the sight of the strange men.

"Are those the guys?" Jessie whispered towards you, and you nodded to her. "Shit."

"Look who we have here," the creep said as he took a few steps forward; his men did the same, "I told you boys she was a looker." After he said this, his goons started shouting obscenities.

Biggs took a step forward to block you, but you pushed him back with your elbow. This time around Biggs was not going to walk away from trouble, but you didn't want him on their bad side, too. So far, you were the only one they were after, and you wanted to keep it that way.

"Y/N!" He whispered, confused by your actions.

"Let me handle this," you whispered back.

"Just like you handled things last time, right?" You glared back at him. The nerve he had to be sassy in this circumstance...

"So she's got you henpecked, huh?" The creep turned to Biggs, "I always knew she wore the pants in the relationship."

Biggs didn't react. He wasn't easily emasculated by cheap taunting. But he did react when the creep stepped closer, looking you up and down. A devilish smirk grazed his lips. His goons followed suit, surrounding the three of you. There was no escape now.

"She looks pretty nice from the back, too," a voice said from behind.

This was your version of hell: a group of large, intimidating men circling you, ogling and spewing obscenities your way. You could feel your hands shaking now. One hand made its way back to the holstered gun, though it's not like you had the guts to pull it out anyway. And all of the goons seemed to have holsters of their own, which means you'd probably be dead before you ever got the courage to pull the trigger.

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