Eve of my death day- 11

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  I woke up with Jungkook clinging onto me tightly. We were both completely naked once again but it felt normal this time. I always thought I was going to be the cat lady who never dates anyone before he came along. I probably would have been, so maybe this woke death date thing, saved my love life.

I slowly pulled myself away from him and took a quick shower before pulling on one of his shirts and my panties. I really need to get my clothes from my house. I jumped on top of Jungkook, Laying ontop of him. "Wake the hell up." I said loudly in his ear as I poked his cheek.

He groaned as I jumped on him. He just whined and pulled me over to his side as he wrapped his arms around me. "No." He answered me in his sleepy voice. I pecked his lips softly. "It's morning baby.." I told him. He finally opened his eyes and met mine. Which may I say, never fails to melt my heart. "Fine but I don't want to move just yet." He said softly.

I sighed and gave in. I wrapped myself around him and looked into his eyes. "Can I have another kiss?" He Asked me. I giggled softly and nodded before pecking his lips again, but this time he made me stay and continue to kiss him longer. We made out for a bit before he pulled away and kissed my forehead. "What should we do today baby?" He Asked me.

I shrugged. "I don't know, what should we do." I asked him as I laid my head against his chest. "Can we just have a day at home?" He asked softly. I smiled and nodded my head. "Just me and you." I added. He nodded.

We ended up eating breakfast and then falling back asleep. I wasn't as calm as I could have been since my mind was only on the stupid letter. If it's real, then this is my last day with him. His last day with me. I think staying with just him would be a perfect last day if I'm being honest.

As Jungkook slept, I pulled myself up carefully. I found a piece of paper and a pen from his side table and started to write on the little piece of paper.

In case I actually die Jungkook. I know it's most likely not going to happen but I can't help but think it will. So just in case, I'm writing you this...

It might be cliché for me to say that you saved me but you really did. I'm so happy with you that I can't express it in words. If I do die, however, I don't want you to grieve on me. I want you to find someone else and take care of yourself. Because I love you, I want you to be strong and I want you to forget about me. Don't visit me too much, live a life you can be successful in. Even if it's without me. I love you so much, don't forget that.

Love, Y/n...


This is a very short chapter but eh I hope you liked it!!

Date of Death- Jungkook ff(FINSIHED)Where stories live. Discover now