ᴊᴇᴏɴ ᴊᴜɴɢᴋᴏᴏᴋ-2

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I decided that I should probably get ready to meet Jungkook. After all, it's almost three and I have to meet him at five. I left my laptop and the notecard on the kitchen island before I pulled myself up from the chair I was sitting on. I dragged my feet to my room once again and made my way to my overfilled closet. My apartment is pretty small so my closet isn't big enough of course. I searched through everything, trying to find a cute outfit. Times like this drag me down, I usually can't find something that I think I look really good in and get upset. I have been working on trying to not worry about my appearance as much but sometimes you just can't help it.

I soon decided on something simple, a brown skirt and a matching brown sweater that was tucked into the waist band in the front. This Jungkook guy could be cute and first impressions always matter. I then slipped on some black boots and grabbed my phone, checking the time. 4:30, just enough time to get to the cafe. I stuffed my phone in my back pocket along with the card before I quickly left my apartment. I don't have a car since I'm still poor due to bein in the college of course so I just walked. The cafe wasn't very far away either way.

I walked down the sidewalk as I ran a hand through my hair. I love the sounds of the city around me. It's always nice to hear the cars driving by and people talking. It shows the chaos that we all are. Anyway, I soon made it to the cafe, ten minutes early. I decided to just order a coffee while I wait for the male to arrive as well. I walked up to the counter and smiled at the worker. She asked me what I wanted and I replied with my regular.

"Iced vanilla Americano please" I ordered in which she nodded and told me the price. I paid of course and then took a seat at a booth next to one of the large windows. I looked out the window as I waited. My coffee soon came in which I took and started to sip and slightly chew on the straw. I pulled my phone out and looked at the time. It's now at five o'clock on the spot. I sighed, when is this man going to get here...

"Hey, are you Y/n?" A deeper voice asked. I looked up at the handsome looking male and nodded my head. Damn am I glad I had done my makeup. "Yes," I told him as I watched him slide into the seat across of me. He got situated before he looked up at me. "Do you have it?" He asked me. It took me a moment to realize what he said since I was sorta lost in his eyes. I cleared my throat and looked at him once I was back in reality. "Uh..yes." I awkwardly said before I reached in my back pocket and took the card out. I handed it to him in which he took in his hand and examined it.

"This does kind of look like a prank." He told me. I sighed. "That was my initial thought so I looked it up and there was nothing except for one site on the dark web. If someone wanted to play a trick on me, they would have to be smart enough to make a site on the dark web."  I explained to him. His eyebrows furrowed as he thought about it. He nodded his head and looked up at me, handing me the card back. "

"Maybe we should do more research on it? If it's not a prank, I'm sure you're not the only one who received it." He said. I nodded. "But as I said, I already looked at the only site about it.." I told him. "Well yeah but if someone got this.. threat in the mail, don't you think they'd go to the police about it?" He suggested. I thought about it and nodded my head. He's right, if I truly thought someone was going to try to kill me or something, I would go to the police. "So the police most likely have files on it.." Jungkook added.

"But how would we find the files? We can't necessarily walk into the police station and ask for documents they might not even have." Jungkook said. The corner of my mouth curled up into a smirk as I took a sip of my coffee. "Are you willing to do some illegal hacking?" I asked him in a low tone. Jungkook raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean? You're a hacker?" He asked. I shrugged. "I major in computer science, I'm good at coding so I guess I could pass as a hacker," I explained

He bit his lip which may I mention was hot as fuck. "Sounds fun." He replied.  I smiled. "We should head to my place, we can get started there. Unless you want to wait.." I said softly to him. He shook his head. "If this is the day you die, we don't have much time to figure out if we can stop it." He said. I nodded and stood up from the booth along with him. I walked over to one of the trash cans and set my empty coffee cup in it before I turned to him.

"We can take my car." He told me as he opened the main door for me. Okay, so he's handsome as hell and is a gentleman.  I gave him a smile and a small "thanks" before I walked out. I waited for him as he walked out and went over to his car. He pressed a button on his keys, making the car beep, telling that it's unlocked. It was a pretty expensive car, My eyes widened as I looked at the car. "This is your car?" I asked, shocked.

"Yeah?" He said as if it wasn't hella expensive. He opened the passenger seat and gestured for me to get in. I gulped slightly and slide into the seat. He shut the door after I was in and made his way to the other side, getting in as well. I pulled the seat belt over me and then looked around. "This is a nice car...How can you afford this? Wait what's your last name?" I asked him. He looked over at me, "Jeon." He replied. I raised an eyebrow. "Your father the famous doctor right?" I asked in which he nodded, "I was thinking, we could go to my place since I most likely have a better computer room than you." He said as he pulled out of the parking lot.

"You have a computer room?" I asked with wide eyes. He looked at me and slightly chuckled. "So my place it is." He said as he drove down the road. I looked around the car and noticed a button. I pushed it since it looked interesting. Then I felt massagers on my butt. I looked over at him. "Butt massagers?" I asked slightly as I turned mine off since it tickled lightly. He shrugged, "You know when you're in the car for a while and your butt get numb? That helps it." He said. I laughed slightly.

"I think I know why you're friends with Jimin now." I giggled. He shook his head with a small smile. "Jimin's such a hand full." He said. I nodded in agreement. "He is." I laughed. I honestly was enjoying my time with this guy however after a little while, we made it to his house and he parked his car. We both unbuckled ourselves and then made our way out of the car. I looked up at the huge house in astonishment. It's definitely defined as a mansion.

"Ready?" He asked


end of Jeon Jungkook-2

I hope you enjoyed and will keep reading

to be continued...

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