Live In The Moment- 9

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Jungkook had just gotten into the car with me and now he is driving to his place. This...with Jungkook felt so weird but so right. The more I'm with him, the more I forget about the whole death letter. I swear this man just does wonders to my heart and we haven't even known each other for very long. I guess I have Jimin to thank you for that.

Jungkook must have noticed I was all in my thoughts because, well first I hadn't even realized we had made it to his house, and second, he's just staring at me. I snapped out of it and looked over at him. "What are you looking at?" I ask him softly. He just smiled and shook his head. "Let's get out." He said. I made a poker face and got out of the car with him. I must have forgotten that I wasn't wearing shoes because I set my feet on the ground and instantly pain drove throughout my foot. I shrieked and quickly sat back down.

I had stepped on something and I'm pretty sure it's in my foot. Damn Jungkook for not making me wear any shoes. Jungkook quickly ran to me as I looked at the bottom of my foot. There was a piece of glass deep in my foot. I looked up at Jungkook with my watery eyes. "Let me see baby." He said softly which made me feel a bit better. He kneeled down and looked at it. He then looked back up at me and gave me a sorry look. "You're okay, we'll have a nurse take it out baby." He said softly.

He then picked me up brudal style as blood ran down my foot. I cried softly on his shirt from the pain. I'm terrible with pain especially if I'm with someone who makes me feel safe. I can be the biggest baby. He carried me to my room as he called for a nurse to come in. I laid down not he bed as he massaged my thigh.

Not long after, the nurse walked inside the room. Jungkook looked at the nurse. "What took you so long?!" He scolded. The nurse looked a bit scared. "I was tending to your father." She answered. He just sighed and looked at my foot. "She stepped on some glass. " He said. The nurse bent down and took some tweasers before she pulled it out of foot which was hella painful.

Jungkook obviously felt terrible since he held my hand tightly and kissed my tears as they came. Once the nurse finished putting ointment and wrapping my foot, I thanked her and felt ready to just pass out. In which I did in just a couple seconds. I felt so safe with Jungkook beside me that I didn't worry about anything at the moment. Jungkook held me the entire time.

~Jungkooks POV~
I watched the nurse walk out of the room as I sighed. I looked back at Y/n. "I'm so sorry baby, I should have let you wear your shoes.." I said softly to her. I knew she was already asleep but I still felt terrible. I just needed to say that to her whether she can hear me or not. I laid down on the bed beside her and pulled her to my chest gently.

She must be hungry...after all she hadn't eaten anything today yet, and she must be exhausted after last night😏. I caressed her back softly as I smiled. She looks so peaceful and adorable when she sleeps, I just can't help staring at her face all of the time.

I haven't known her for long and I know that but I can't help but feel so damn happy when I'm around her. I love her little giggles and when she gets stressed about something, she'll whine about it and want cuddles. I love the way she looks at me when she feels proud of something she's done and when she drags me around when she wants to go somewhere.

I just love her already. This is pretty fast for me but I needed this...I need this. I need her. I ended up falling asleep while holding onto her softly since I didn't want to hurt her anymore then I already technically have. Sometimes I can be really stupid.

~Y/n's POV~
I groaned softly as I opened my eyes. My foot was stinging a little bit but it wasn't terrible. I smiled as I looked at the sleeping Kookie beside me. He's really adorable. I just want to poke his cheeks.....but I shouldn't wake him. I carefully pulled myself from his arms, trying my best to not wake him.

I had got to sit up finally when I felt him pull me right back down to him. "Where are you going babygirl?" He Asked me in his deep sleepy voice. I blushed softly, not because I felt nervous, but because his voice's hot. I kissed his head. "To the bathroom." I answered him. He groaned and just pulled me closer.

"I don't want you to leave me." He whined as he kept his eyes closed. He can really be a baby at times but I love that about him. "I can't hold my pee that long Kookie." I told him. "I'll pee in the bed if I have to." I told him. He opened his eyes and looked at me. "You wouldn't." He challenged me. I raised an eyebrow.

"You don't think I would?" I looked up at him. I gave him a smug look. "Okay then, suit yourself, Im peeing." I said and fixed myself on him. He pushed me off with a groan softly. "Yah just go to the damn bathroom." He said as he rubbed his eyes. I giggled and pulled myself up. I limped into the bathroom in which I could feel Jungkook frowning from.

"Baby, let me help you." He started to get up from the bed in which I turned back and gave him a glare. "Don't you dare. I can manage on my own." I told him. I then continued to limp to the bathroom. I groaned when I felt his arms snake around my waist. "Kookie..." I whined. He picked up like a kid as I wrapped my legs around his waist. "Shhh, just let me help you. I did this to you anyway." He said.

I kissed his cheek. "You know you didnt do this so don't blame yourself." I told him as he sat me down in the bathroom. He then stood in the corner of the bathroom. I raised an eyebrow. "You're not going to watch me pee are you?" I asked him. He shrugged. "Is it a crime to want to watch my girlfriend pee?" He Asked. I giggled. "No but it's creepy." I told him.

He clicked his tongue and then left the bathroom. I then did my business before pulling myself out of the room after washing my hands of course. The second I walked out of the bathroom, Jungkook picked me up again, catching me by surprise. "Hey! Don't scare me like that!" I shrieked and smacked his chest. He acted hurt and groaned. "Ah ah my baby hit me! I'm going to die." He laughed.

I rolled my eyes as he started to walk out of the room. "What are you doing?" I asked him. He looked at me. "We haven't eaten yet, this seems like a good time to." He said with his cute bunny smile that just kills me every time. I smile and muzzle my face in the crook of his neck. "Hm, you smell good." I giggled.

"How can I smell good, I haven't showered." He Asked in a chuckle. "You don't need to shower to smell good, you smell like my kookie. " I told him. He shook his head with a chuckle. "I think that's the most cheesy thing you've said babygirl." He told me. I shrugged as he sat me down on his lap at the table.

He told the cook to make us something delicious and just played with my hands. I would be smiling but I couldn't help but think of the damn letter. Today is the fifth of August. That means I have two more days before I'm supposed to die. Could this really come to an end? So soon?

"What's on your mind baby?" Jungkook Asked me. I just shook my head. "It's nothing.." I told him softly. He kissed my neck softly. "I know it's not, so tell me. Please?" He Asked him. I bit my lip and sighed. "It's just the damn letter.." I told him finally. He sighed and rubbed my sides. "Baby....don't worry about that, it's just a scam.." he told me soothingly. I nod my head, trying to believe his words as well.

I looked up as good was placed in front of us. I smiled, "Soft Tofu Stew...I love this." I said happily. Jungkook smiled and kissed my neck again. "Good, then eat." He told me. I nodded and started to eat it. "Hmmm, it's so try it." I said with a smile before I turned to him with the spoon in my hand. "Open your mouth." I told him with a smile in which he did.

I then put the spoon in his mouth and fed myself another spoon full as well. "It's really good." He said with a smile. I nodded my head.  "Baby?" He Asked me as I ate. "What?" I replied. "Lets go on a proper date today hm?" He Asked. I smiled and nodded my head. "I would that kookie." I told him. He smiled and pecked my cheeks.

Date of Death- Jungkook ff(FINSIHED)Where stories live. Discover now