Chapter 4: What?

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(Lloyd P.O.V.)

I was in complete darkness I had no idea what was going on at the time I kinda felt a bit Woosy and dizzy really.

Did I lose surely I didn't...
Shit maybe I did...

I felt like I was floating I felt like I had no body. It kinda felt nice not to feel the acid in my face eating at my skin, and the tugging of the strings that was under my skin was no longer there. I felt like my old self I guess you could say...
Soon that ended I could feel the SHARP pains and STABS again, I opened my eyes and looked around It was so fucking bright!. The brightness stinged my eyes, where was I? I looked around a bit feeling air on my irritated face.  

...Someone had taken off my mask...

God fucking damnit.

My eyes re-adjusted to the light to find that I was in an in closed room it looked like one of them operation rooms, I sat up hearing Layla's little laugh. 

'God damnit. What is this?', I thought looking around. I got up feeling pain along my back it felt like a million needles had been stabbed in my back. I felt the blood run down my back, under my cloths. I knew I had tugged the strings. I looked down to see I was sitting on what seemed to be an operation table.

Layla's annoying laugh echoed in my mind as I slowly got off the operation table...

"Hello?', my voice rough I obviously needed water to drink.

I received no response. Was the hospital empty?. It looked deserted as Hospital beds where flipped upside down and Operation equipment was scattered everywhere. What had happened. I walked up to a smashed mirror on a white bricked wall which looked like it had dried up blood splattered across the wall and smashed mirror.

Where is everyone?.

Walking to exit doors slowly, I pushed the double doors with the little strength I had in me. 

"Oh SHIT!", I screamed loudly covering my face with my arms in defense when I saw a bloodied Layla with a knife that dripped with fresh blood, Appear right in front of me but disappeared in a flash. Nervously I ran out the operation room, my eyes darting everywhere in fear as they were wide in horror as he felt something squishy beneath his feet, slowly looking down at the floor, he yelled In horror and jumped onto a torn up sofa.

I had been standing on... a dead corpse.... blood was all other the floor like a river.

'What is wrong with me?', I shook my head, 'why am in fear of the things I love?', I looked around slowly regaining myself.

Something wasn't right...

I felt weak, uneasy. I was very unsure on why I woke up in a hospitable , was someone going to do an operation on me or something?. My attention got back to reality when I slipped on some blood and smashed my head on the ground .

"SHIT!" I yelled in pain, I looked down at my feet realizing why I had slipped, I wasn't wearing my boots, I was bare footed. I got up slowly feeling tugging in my back again like I was feeling string move and tug under my skin was very horrible really.  It made me feel sick to my stomach. 

'Did I lose the game? Am I now mortal?' , I thought unsure. To hear Layla's little rhymes echo in my mind, seemed to make me flinch. 'Was I now a victim of Layla's?

I jumped Like a mile in the air when I see Layla once again in the corner of my eyesight it made me shiver in fear. Why was I so scared?, I had spent, Days, Months and YEARS living with her trying to escape that hell and now.. I am shitting bricks. Layla giggled, her giggled echoed the atmosphere. It was like chalk being scratched against the black board at school it made you wince, shiver and tingle all other your body.

"Oh....", He Innocent childish voice echoed in my ears, "You fell... for the game . Like they all did", Her smile widened devilishly as she dragged her sharp blood stained knife across the wall craving letters into the faded painted walls.

My eyesight suddenly flashed white before going back to the same Hospital corridor once again, but this time Layla was gone and their were words stained in dark red thick blood on the wall.

Complete the game.

Or Die in Pain!.

My eyes widened in horror once again as my heart started to beat faster than ever before. What is going on!?. I was mortal then I was a monster and now I'm a mortal again!. I thought I completed the game!?. Where's my family?, are they alive or dead. Or was that all just a nightmare!?, Is this a nightmare?. 

Layla's insane laughter once again echoed my hearing, "Find your way out Lloyd, Or fall and become destroyed", Find a way out!?. Of here?, this is like a 20 storied building with over a million hospital rooms!?. Oh why me!?. Why did Layla pick me?, to play these horrible games on!?.

"LET'S PLAY THE GAME LLOYD!", A golden key that was stained red slide across the bloodied floor and stopped at the end of my feet, I gulped looking at the key with feared eyes. Crouching I picked it up. 

'here goes nothing', I gulp as I make my way to the first door. I put the little key into the lock twisting it rightwards, I heard the 'click' of the lock become unlocked. Sweat dripped off my face as I turned the ice cold metal door handle, I slowly pushed open the metal door, It made a creaking noise as I pushed it fully open to be greeted by A bloodied writing on a wall.

Oh god please have mercy on me!.

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