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The party

The party had started about 30 minutes ago, people everywhere, music and people dancing, it was perfect...BUT, that all had to change. Nothing was ever simple with Hudson, everybody knew it, it was just his luck.

Hudson's PoV-
I was sitting at a table drinking with mum and dad when I decided to look for dray. I couldn't find him anywhere. But that was until some random death eater told me that Draco was just pulled out the hall by some stranger.

My instincts took over. I was out of that room as quick as I could. I had to find him before he gets hurt. I sped up with one thought in my head, my Draco, i turned the corner to see my boyfriend,my mate, my everything being pushed into a wall by some guy.

He's going to die..

My creature side took over, i walked next to them and said:

"Excuse me but what do you think you are doing?"

He clearly didn't recognise me or who I was so here's the fun part.

"I'm trying to have myself some fun with this pretty thing now could u please leave we are kinda busy"
He replied in a lust filled voice

"Do you know who I am?"

"Some kid, now scram"

"No! I am Hudson snape-riddle and u are currently forcing yourself onto my mate"

"I..o..oh I..I'm s..so sor...sorry my prince"

"MUM! DAD!" I screamed as loud as I could. Soon they where next to me while I was smothering dray making sure he was okay. "Do something with..that thing" I said pointing to the man who was frozen in fear.

"As u wish son" replied father.

Let's just say nobody is going to be messing with my family ever again...

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