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Hudson's PoV-

When we awoke the next day we quickly got ready and walked to the great hall. I slammed the doors open and burst in and everyone looked up then quickly back down. But I of course the stupid twats by the names of Ginny,Ron and Hermione piped up and stood in front of me as I was walking.

"U know, just because Snape is your father doesn't mean u own everyone and nobody is scared of u just because your Snape's son" Hermione spat

"Oh dear, it seems u all have a death wish AND don't know the facts. Snape is my mother,I do own the place, everyone is scared of me and it's my father u should be scared of"

"Who's your father, you know who?"
Ron mimicked with sarcasm but oh he was about to have the shock of his life.

I walked up to the teachers table and pushed all Dumbledore's things onto him and stood on his desk. Everyone looked up at me like I was mad so to make it even better I laughed like a maniac. I already had both mother and fathers permission to tell everyone about Tom being my father and that's exactly what I was going to do.

"HEY EVERYONE! I have something to tell u all! Okayyyy so..we all know that I am snapes son but there is something u don't know."

I paused for a dramatic effect. I must say me and mother are both very good drama queens when we want to be.

"snape is my mother and my father is TOM MARVOLO RIDDLE also know as Lord Voldemort, he who must not be named, you know who, the dark lord and whatever other names he has."

Everyone sat shocked,people paled and many looked scared.

I smirked and clapped my hands twice then within seconds i was in front of the 2 youngest weasleys and granger.

"U have been warned,don't double cross me because u will die a horribly painful, long, exaggerated death" with that I clapped my hands twice and disappeared.

Toms PoV-

Hudson has just arrived and he was bouncing around,laughing manically. He ran to the training room and grabbed 5 all black knives with silver designs on the handles and set up all 52 dummy's. He threw the knifes at a dummy with his eyes closed.
1 in the heart area
1 in between the eyes area
1 in the stomach area
And the other 2 directly mirroring each other on the shoulder.

Next he grabbed his wand and destroyed all the dummy's before laughing again.

"I take it u told everyone then"

"Yes father, they got scared and went pale it was very amusing. But I best get back I have class in 10 minutes."

"Okay make sure to say hello to your mother for me"

"Yes father"
And with that he disappeared again.

Hudson's PoV-
I got back to the castle and got to DADA just in time. I walked up to Draco and pulled him into a sweet kiss before sitting down. Everyone was staring at me scared and quickly looked away. Umbitch walked in seconds later and once again tried to use her 'power' against me.

"mr potter, please step away from mr malfoy"


"detention mr potter, for a week, my office at 8:00 tonight"

"NO! why the fuck do i have detention?! im sorry that im a vampire AND a veela, i cant help the fact i HAVE to be close to Draco my BOYFRIEND,my MATE!"

" ridiculous, u are a child therefor the rules apply to u as well"

"Fuck this, I'm leaving. Dray I'll meet u after this stupid hag has finished whatever she is supposed to be doing."

With that I gave Draco one last kiss said goodbye to our friends and left to go find mother.

He could help me calm down maybe

I walked to the potions classroom and slammed the door open mother turned around agitated until he saw me. All the 3rd years looked at me as mother Beckoned me to his quarters. He told the students to continue with copying the notes and he came and sat next to me. I was laying face first on his bed as he rubbed circles into my back.

"Do u need a drink darling?"

"Yes please,can I have alcohol?"

"Sure,but ONLY this once"

For the next 1 hour and 50 minutes me and mother sat there drinking a bottle of fire whiskey each while talking to calm my anger down.

"I need to go meet Draco and the others but I will see u later mother"

"Okay darling see u later"

We hugged one last time and he kissed my forehead before I left to meet the others.

I was waiting outside the door when most the students came out.

"Umm Hudson?" A random student came up to me.


"Draco and all your friends are arguing with umbridge and she looks ready to kill them"


With that said I walk in the class and sure enough there they are but she slaps MY Draco in the FACE! 


I ran and pounced on her and ripped her nails of her fingers so she screamed in pain then I broke her fingers and toes,I kicked her repeatedly and punched her, then I pulled her hair out one at a time then big clumps. I then accoied a peeler and peeler her skin of I set a spell on her so she would still be alive without her skin then I scooped her eyes out and stamped on her skull and just to finish her of I burned her she was now a mess on the floor.


i couldn't help it my veela and vampire side took over. I have warned everyone before that my creature is vicious but the stupid pink frog who claimed to be human, once again ignored me and is now dead. Draco and the others dragged me to mothers room and told her what happened, i was pushed onto the bed and held down by multiple people while Draco straddled my waist.


After many times of that sentence they realised it was going to take more than that so Draco kissed me. That automatically snapped me out of my creature side and not long after everyone let go of me and left the room as me and draco continued to make out. I started to buck my hips into Draco and he laughed then started grinding into me making me grow hard. 

we left for our room to save mother having us have sex on his bed and we carried on what we had started. 

~time skip to dinner~

me and Draco made our way to meet our friends and walked to the great hall for dinner. We arrived but there was nobody eating all just staring at me. I ignored them and continued on to the table. Dumblewhore decided to make a speech before we could eat.

"good evening students, as some of you may have noticed professor Umbridge is not sat here with us this is because today after a defence lesson she was tortured and brutally murdered, however the person can not be charged because of the reasoning for the attack. now please eat up and have a good night." with that everyone turned to look away from me and ate.

hey so umbitch is dead, at last! but now how will the rest of the year go?  

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