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Hudson's PoV-

Me and Draco just got to 12 grimmauld place. Father was sat on the couch and Sirius was in the kitchen getting everyone drinks. Once Sirius sat down it was to silent and awkward. "Whats going on? Why did u ask us to come over?" I asked out of nowhere then Sirius started talking. "Your father has something he needs to tell u and it's not very good but it's not his choice but he's scared to tell u"
I looked at father and he looked....scared? Maybe even guilty.
"Okay son,as you know you are half Veela and that came from my side of the family,as u know Lily was my mate but when she died I had one chance to re-mate. I took that chance so that u would have at least 1 parental figure in your life but I was re-mated to...Tom or as u call him Voldemort. This makes him your step father or mother whatever u want but if he dies I die as well"
"Oh" I said collecting this information before continuing "Well in that case I guess he's family now"
I could tell everyone was shocked but I didn't really care. I mean it's not like I'm Harry Potter there never was a Harry Potter it was all fake. We all sat and talked for a little bit before I asked the question I've wanted to ask for some time now. "Father? Do u think I could tell everyone the truth about Harry Potter? I mean it's hard hearing people talk about it as they don't know it's me"
He looked at Sirius then me before answering "I could ask miss McGonagall if u could tell the school at dinner one night if I explain she should be okay with it but I have to check first,I'll owl her now but now it's getting late u two should be heading back to school" we agreed and said our goodbyes before leaving back to hogwarts. When we got back we where pretty tiered so we went to our room and climbed into bed. We intertwined our legs together and I used Draco's chest as a pillow. Drifting off to the sound of his heartbeat.


I began to stir and checking the time to see we had about 2hours before we had to leave for breakfast. I gently slipped out from under Draco's grip and replaced myself with a pillow. I hopped in the shower before walking back in the room with only a towel around my waist.

Draco's PoV-
I woke up to see a wet Hudson walking out the bathroom. He had only a towel around his waist shower of his perfect body from quidditch. His hair dripping slight water droplets onto his bare chest. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't even realise I was staring at him with my mouth open until he spoke "close your mouth dray you'll catch flies" he chuckled slightly. A blush forming slightly on my pale cheeks as i turned away groaning. I felt the bed dip beside me about 3 minutes later I turned around and there sat Hudson all dressed with his messy black hair. He leaned into me and kissed my lips and I couldn't help but kiss back passionately, soon his hands where on my waist and mine were around his neck while I was on his lap straddling him. This carried on until we both pulled away breathless. I quickly got ready and we left for breakfast.

Hudson's PoV-
Just as me and Draco where about to walk into the great hall we got pulled aside by miss McGonagall.
"Hudson?i understand u want to tell everyone in school the truth about Harry Potter because u can't take it anymore is that correct?"
"Yes professor"
"Okay well 1st class is cancelled for everyone today so u may tell everyone at breakfast"
"Okay thank u professor"
"I will call u up when u nod at me to signal that u are ready"
With that she left. Me and Draco walked in hand in hand and I couldn't wait to tell everyone the truth.

Please feel free to correct me in anyway this was a bit rushed ✌️💕

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