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Tiny slight mention of abuse and rape

Hudson's PoV-
I walked into the great hall dragging Draco by his hand and we went to sit with pansy and Blaise. We all ate some food,the others eating more than me due to the abuse from the Dursley's, but I decided to tell pansy and Blaise about the plan on telling the whole school about my identity.
"Pansy! Blaise!" I whisper yelled
They both looked at me and got the idea they lent in so only them and Draco could hear me. I guess others noticed we where privately talking and wanted to know what about. All I said was "u will find out soon" after that people burst into whispers so I looked up at miss McGonagall and she looked back and nodded.
Everyone shut up and payed attention to miss McGonagall as she began.
"Okay students,so today there will be no 1st lesson" after that everyone started cheering when she spoke again. "BUT! We also have a special announcement being made today,Hudson?" I walked up to the front of the great hall and sat on the chair that was there for me. People started whispering and not listening so once again I lost it and screamed "SHUT UP!!" Father conjured another chair next to Me and Draco came up and sat next to me holding my hand in support. That was when I was ready.
"OK EVERYONE! So as we all know Harry Potter isn't in school and that is because there never was a Harry Potter" before I could continue everyone started yelling and once again I continued "HARRY POTTER WAS A FAKE IDENTITY!" Everyone shut up to listen to me now. "My life has been a lie I was told my name was Harry Potter and my parents where dead! I was abused and r..raped by the people I was told where my family but that day when I ran away for the day and the day I sliced my wrist after yelling at everyone in the Gryffindor common room Draco Malfoy, Sirius black and Professor snape took me to Gringotts because there was something they needed to tell me, that was when I found out my birth certificates where fake under the name Harry Potter and I also got my real one therefore I am Hudson snape and Harry Potter but I will go by Hudson snape as Harry was a fake identity,I am also part Veela,part vampire and part royalty. My mate is Draco and there are rules for my Veela and vampire side such as if u hurt or try to hurt my mate or myself I have the full right to hurt or even kill u. Umbitch just got lucky this time. Also before I go back granger? Weasley? I heard and saw u both laughing that I was missing so fuck u come near me and I will not hesitate to rip your fucking throats out. Thank u everyone!"
I walked back to the Slytherin table with Draco grabbed our stuff and asked if anyone else was coming. Pansy,Blaise,Astoria and milli all joined. We all got to the doors when I turned round and everyone was still silent in shock. Before I left I stuck my middle fingers up at everyone in the hall and walked out with everyone following me. As we walked around to go to the dungeons everyone was saying how I'm going to get in trouble but also saying it was one of the funniest things they've ever seen.

We walked into the common rooms and we all sat in a circle laughing and joking about till pansy spoke up.
"Hey! Why don't we play never have I ever? I have Firewhiskey!"
We all said okay when I remembered
"Guys how about before we play we share a bottle of really strong alcohol it's a muggle alcohol but it tastes soo good"
"Since when did u drink alcohol?"
Milli asked surprised
"Since I was about 9,I would go and rob shops because I never got fed or got drinks so I would rob places just to survive"
Everyone looked at me in shock and surprise but all started cheering after a minute. I laughed and ran to my bag and grabbed the bottle before running back to the circle where pansy had the firewhiskey.
"So what is this drink I say is so good called?" Blaise asked as I sat back down
"Vodka but it's cherry flavoured"
We all finished the bottle of vodka and where already kinda pissed from downing shots after shots then we started the game.
It went in the order:

"Okay so imma start of simple never have I ever...been i a relationship ship" pansy said. We all took a shot. Then braised asked "never have I ever kissed someone" once again we all took a shot it went on like that for a couple of rounds before it got interesting. It was my turn to ask "never hawv I evwer bween tOoO a cwub" we where all completely drunk at this point but me and pansy took a shot. Then Draco asked "nevwer hve I evrrrr hadddd wne nght stnd" me,pansy and Astoria took a shot. By this point we had finished the bottle we where completely wasted. We didn't go back to classes that day and that was our big mistake.

The next day-
We all woke up in the common room with the worst hangovers ever. Luckily we had hangover potions. We had classes in an hour which means breakfast was in half an hour with our stupid hangovers. I stood up with everyone else and instantly ran to mine and Draco's bathroom and threw up why did I have to be the one to do mostly everything they asked there was only 2 I didn't have to drink to out of the however many we had, just shows I'm not as much of a pussy as everyone else. My mind was spinning until Draco came in and rubbed my back. "Woah Hudson, damn your really sick! We aren't going to classes today"
"No dray I'm fine honestly"
But Draco wouldn't let me have a say he told everyone that we weren't going to classes and asked them to get our homework before they headed out the door to breakfast. That day only contained of me being sick with Draco comforting me and me and Draco sleeping.

I AM GOING INSANE! Never thought I would say this but I wanna go back to school tbh corona is pissing me of a little now but hey ✌️☹️

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