Chapter 21

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The Next Night

I decided to stay beside Zero rather than joining my cousins on their journey, but before I could relax there was one final task that needed my full attention. "Chisaki... Lets go and visit Tsumi." He said nothing, but I knew he understood. Before me and Chisaki could leave I thought I should let Zero know where I would be going, he was taking his promise to Ichiru very seriously, he was even willing to follow Kaname if I wanted to join them, but how could I join them. My cousins were happy now and having me around after losing the one I loved would only harm all three of us.

"Zero, I'm going away for just a few days... Chisaki has asked me to do something very important for him." The silver haired vampire seemed confused but also in some way understood that it was a task that I could not neglect. "When are we leaving then?" His question caught me off guard, I had not really expected him to join us for a trip that would only take a few days, but thinking about it now he would most definitely want to go with us. "You don't have to come with us, it's not really going to be a pleasant trip." He didn't seem to care one bit about what kind of trip it was going to be, he simply waited for me to answer his question.

With a heavy sight I gave in to his stare. "We will be staying with my relatives, the Kuranai family... Chisaki, wants to visit the grave of his lover one last time." Zero seemed confused by my last statement but I didn't want to explain it, part of me is happy that Zero is joining us, because in a few days I stand to lose yet another important person that I hold dear. "We plan to leave tonight, and we'll be taking my car. It only takes 24 hours to get to the Kuranai estate." He didn't seem to be all that happy that he would be sharing a house full of vampires, so I made a call so that Zero would be more comfortable. "Alright Mariah and her family have agreed to stay at my estate while we are there, so it will just be me, you, and Chisaki."

Luckily Zero seemed to relax a bit after I made the arrangements for our stay, "You aren't very talkative Zero, you should really work on that." all I got for an answer was a glare that only made me laugh. "What's so funny?" Despite his irritation, a rare smile graced his lips, his smile only reminding me of Ichiru. "Despite your lack of words, for some reason I can still understand you... It kinda hurts me knowing just how similar you and Ichiru are."

The three of us left cross academy for good, Zero ready to start his career as a vampire hunter, and me ready to say goodbye to another friend. Chisaki drove the whole way there while I rested in the back seat with Zero, he really didn't seem to mind me using him like a pillow. The car ride was peaceful, and not a single word was said the whole time, but when we got to the Kuranai estate Zero was a bundle of complaints.

The silver haired male was complaining about the littlest of things like; the size of the house, the smell of the place, how many rooms there were, and how he was expected to sleep in a home made for vampires. "If you have that much of an issue with it you can use my room, it hasn't been used since I moved to cross academy so it should be fine for you." Though I had only halfway meant it to be a joke, he took it seriously, so I led him to my old room where my fondest memories with Ichiru had been made. I didn't think that sleep would come to me today, so it should be fine for him to use my room, plus I wanted to spend as much time with Chisaki as I could until the very end.

Once Zero was asleep Chisaki made some sweets for the two of us while I made some tea, we didn't say much but it was nice to relax like this for once. "Shimiko, please don't upset your publicist once I'm gone, he only wants to help you." His words were kind and warm, but they burned me more than he could know. "I'll do my best." We continued to eat in silence until the sun set bringing a new night.

We made our way to the grave of Tsumi Yuri, Chisaki's one and only love. It was quiet between us as I stared at his back while he stood in front of her grave not once looking my way, Zero had come too but he was watching us from a distance so as not to disturb us. "I'll make it as painless as I can." Chisaki still didn't look my way, his eyes fixated on the one person he loves resting place, though this would soon become his resting place as well.

"Thank you for everything Shimiko... Live a long and happy life for me my friend." My vines slowly came from the ground around Chisaki, I can't hesitate on this or it could cause him great pain. "Farewell Chisaki, It was truly a pleasure to have you at my side." With our final goodbye finally voiced my vines delicately wrapped around his body, I dare not look away out of respect for his final moments, my vines crushed him quickly ending his life.

When it was over I used my vines to place a new headstone beside Tsumi's, Chisaki's ashes now danced in the wind around the grave and the rest of the cemetery. Despite the pain of losing another friend I was smiling, just knowing that Chisaki was now at peace alongside the one he loved made me happy. I stood there in front of the two graves simply enjoying the quiet as my mind wandered to thoughts of Ichiru and his last moments. "I will always be... By your side..." I turned to leave only to be met by Zero who stood silently watching my actions.

Despite the fact that we had hated one another only a week ago, right now we understood each other's pain, we had both lost everything and knew the pains of being alone in the world. "What do I do now Zero?" Tears burned at my multicolored eyes as the realization hit me, I no longer have a reason to even go on anymore. "I'm going to continue hunting vampires... If you'd like I could take you with me." He opened his arms as if he wanted a hug, which at the moment was a welcome gesture. Despite how odd it seemed I happily accepted the hug crying into his warm chest, his scent resembling Ichiru's made me feel a sense of security. "I hope you don't mind having a pureblood as a partner for the rest of eternity."


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