Chapter 4

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On my way back to the moon dorms the smell of blood caught my attention and when I reached the source of the smell Yuki was there speaking with two of the human fangirls that from the looks of it, were trying to sneak into the moon dorms. The smell of both the girl's blood and Yuki's caught not only my attention, but the attention of Aido and Kain. I figured Yuki could handle it, but I was wrong to assume that she could protect herself from a vampire.

Aido took hold of Yuki pulling her hand closer to his fangs before I could move to stop him, Zero pulled Yuki from his grips gun drawn and facing the cocky vampire. "What is going on here?" Aido tensed up at the sound of my voice that had gained the attention of everyone present, I looked over at the two day class girls now passed out due to fear then looked back to Aido. Kaname soon made an appearance scaring the poor aristocrat even further, with the presence of the two of us Zero withdrew his gun.

Kaname took Aido and Kain to see the Headmaster in order to be punished for their actions leaving me alone with Zero and Yuki, the silver haired male glared at me as I simply stared at Yuki who was hiding her hand that Aido hand bit into. "Chisaki." the blue haired man appeared in front of me kneeling down on one knee ready for whatever order I was going to give him. "Could you get me a first aid kit immediately?" he took of and quickly brought what I had asked for, I carefully approached Yuki so as not to upset Zero in any way. "Please let me see your hand Yuki."

After carefully wrapping Yuki's hand I headed back to my room were Chisaki was waiting for me to return, me and him didn't ever need to say much to one another, with only a glance I knew he was curious. "Kaian was simply worried about my adjustments to this school, but I think he is weary of my intentions here." Chisaki bowed slightly before making his way to his own room leaving me alone once more, if only I didn't have to be alone, but it is the way things need to be.

Having nothing to do and not really in the mood to sleep I decided to read a book on the velvet sofa at the end of my bed, if not for my brain being occupied I would get some writing done, but there was really only one thing on my mind today. "I miss them so much today." the book I was reading fell to the floor as I looked up at the bland white ceiling, this lonely feeling is going to be the end of me.

A knock at my door took me away from my thoughts, I called out to the intruder knowing exactly who it was before they even entered, and as expected Kaname was here to bug me once more. Not hiding the irritation in my voice I addressed him "What is it you want Kaname?" he closes the door behind himself before making himself comfortable on my bed. "Thank you for helping Yuki." I can't believe that was all he came for, but then again he does care for her greatly so it could be possible. "It's fine... You came at the perfect time, I was feeling rather lonely." I lay down on my sofa looking over at my cousin "Won't you keep me company for a moment Kaname?" I got no verbal answer but he made no move to leave from his seat on my bed.

I may not care for the company of Vampire's but Kaname is different, he is the only one who could ever understand the loneliness I feel. "Kaname, how do you fight off the loneliness of not being able to have the one you love?" his sad eyes looked into mine as he searched for the right words, but his answer was in no way satisfying to me "I don't, all I can do is wait for the day when she will be mine." I turned my attention back to the white ceiling of my room, if only I could know for sure that he would be mine after all of this is over. "You truly are lucky... I feel as though I am cursed to live out eternity alone."

I heard Kaname stand from my bed and his face soon was blocking my view of the ceiling "I realize that it seemed I did not trust you at first, but now I feel that the two of us can be allies." I put on a smile as I stared into Kaname's reddish brown eyes "thank you Kaname." Soon after that conversation Chisaki brought the two of us some tea and a strawberry cake before he went to bed. I hadn't asked him to do this but he knew me too well and did it anyway.

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