Chapter 15

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A Few Weeks Later

I decided that for the winter break I would join Kaname and the others at Aido's villa, mostly to avoid Takahiko who would definitely show up to bug me about doing meet and greets over the break, seeing how he had been wanting me to do one for quite a while now. While packing my necessities Chisaki came to help, but I had things under control. "I'm fine Chisaki, but during the break why don't you go and visit Tsumi... You haven't been to her grave in a while. I've already informed the Kuranai's that you would be staying with them, please go and see her."

His blue eyes held so much sadness at the realization he hadn't been to see her for two years, but there was also a bit of happiness in him as well. "That would be a good idea, thank you Hio-sama." He showed me one of his rare smiles before leaving my room to do his own packing, and once I had finished I asked Kain to take my things to the car which he did without question. Before we left I wanted to give something to Aido, it was obvious to me that he was in the middle of doing some important research of his own here alone.

"Aido, could I speak with you a moment?" I could hear him stumble around in the room before opening the door looking more composed than I thought possible "What is it Shimiko-sama?" I smiled at his obviously flustered state before digging into my book bag pulling out the first copy of Cursed Beginnings. "Read this over the break, I think you will find it very insightful." I noticed him tense up slightly before shakily reaching out to take my book from my hands. "What is this book? I have never seen it before."

I turned to leave knowing the others were likely waiting for me, I glanced over my shoulder and answered the blond man who still inspected the book curiously. "That is the first copy of the book I wrote, you may borrow it until I return." Aido looked up from the book excited that I would allow him to borrow something of my own, he could tell just how important it was to me and bowed his head as I walked away. "Thank you Shimiko-sama! I shall take good care of it." hearing that I headed down stairs to join the others, a content smile present on my face.

When we got to the villa I decided to get some writing done so that Takahiko wouldn't be mad when I got back, but this time I decided to change it up a bit and write a sad love story inspired by my mother's death. "Shimiko-sama? What are you writing?" I looked up from my notebook to find Takuma standing beside the couch I was sitting on, Rima and Ruka were looking at me with curiosity in their eyes waiting to hear my answer.

"Don't you know? I happen to be a very popular short story author." I laughed at the shock in their eyes before continuing to explain. "My pen name is Tsumi Yuri, a name I decided on after meeting Chisaki, I actually just published my first book." My pen name is actually the name of Chisaki's deceased lover, and I did so to preserve her memory. Though I never knew Tsumi, I wanted the world to know her name for Chisaki's sake.

Once I had finished writing a few rough drafts for short stories, and an article on advice to new writers, I decided to go outside despite the cold weather, it reminded me of the day I met Ichiru. "How much longer must I wait." I stared out at the beautiful scenery as the sun began its descent behind the snow covered mountains, the peace was disturbed by the familiar voice of my older cousin. "And what is it exactly you are waiting for my dear cousin?" he seemed to be making fun of me, and that was truly irritating mainly because he knew what it was I was talking about. "It's rude to listen in on something not meant for your ears Kaname, besides you already know what I was talking about."

I am beginning to enjoy these moments with Kaname, it's like I actually have a loving family again. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help but tease you. Sometimes it feels as though we are siblings when we have these small arguments." I smile at the thought, never once had I ever wanted siblings, but if it were Kaname and Yuki I would be happy to have them as my siblings. "Funny, I was just thinking something similar, Kaname Nii-san." We both laughed at how I decided to address him finding the idea both funny and nice.

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