Chapter 12

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2 days later

Ichiru and I stayed beside mother once she moved to the old moon dorm, and with Ichiru back I didn't really care for Zero much anymore, aside from him being a key piece in Kaname and I's plans. Mother wanted to see Zero alone so we waited in the ballroom knowing he would surely find her, I stayed beside Ichiru the whole time hidden until finally the one we were waiting for made his appearance.

The second my mother's name left Zero's lips he pulled his weapon out pointing it toward her, but as expected he could not pull the trigger. Ichiru tossed his sword down to mother and she charged forward and the sword clashed with Zero's gun, I heard Yuki's voice for only a second and it looked like Zero heard it too. "Don't you dare look away!" After yelling that frustrated mother slashed through Zero's chest, and he reacted quickly after being injured shooting her in the shoulder. I wanted to go and help her, but Ichiru wouldn't let me interfere.

Not being any use standing there watching mother and Zero's little fight, I decided to go investigate the area I had heard Yuki's voice coming from. "Will she be alright Kaname?" The dark haired man turned his attention to me, his eyes burning with anger as he looked into my red and blue eyes, it was as though he didn't even see me, but instead just my eyes. "Don't worry Yuki is important to me as well, and at the moment she is my top priority." His gaze softens slightly after hearing my words and returns his attention back to the sleeping Yuki. "What is Shizuka's goal?"

We both go our separate ways, and I help Ichiru take the unconscious Zero to my mother's temporary room. While I wait for Zero to wake up I hold Ichiru close simply enjoying his warmth and kindness as he keeps an arm around my shoulder. When Zero wakes he is surprised to see Ichiru and I "So I'm going to assume that this is the man you love Shimiko? Now much of what you had said make a lot more sense." Ichiru looked down at me curiously as I smile nervously back, removing myself from Ichiru I knew he had things he had to do, and I did not want to get in his way.

"Yes Zero, this is the man I love, and the reason I did what I could to keep you alive." Ichiru pulled me behind himself to get me away from a very upset Zero who seemed to badly want nothing more than to shoot me. "Take off that mask, it doesn't suit you." With a devious smile on his face Ichiru removed his mask handing it to me, holding onto his mask tightly knowing what was coming so I moved up against the wall and observed quietly so as not to be in the way.

Before I came to Cross Academy Ichiru had told me why it was he wanted his twin brother to live, that is when I decided that I would do whatever I could to help protect Zero so that Ichiru's own goal might one day be realized. Today was the day that Ichiru had been waiting 5 long years for, and I would not get involved so that he would not get upset with me, even if I wanted to tear Zero to pieces for pointing his gun at the man I care about most. Zero collapsed to the floor before the fight could even get started, driven by his hunger for blood he is beginning to fall to level-E, and Ichiru seemed to be enjoying the poor vampires suffering.

The two of us headed for the door when out of nowhere it was thrown open revealing Yagari, Ichiru raised his sword in defence as the older man was frozen with surprise to see that Ichiru was alive, that is until he saw Zero lying on the ground in pain. They talk for only a moment, making Ichiru upset, and in a flash he attacks his former teacher only to be thrown back by Zero. I moved to stop the sword that was now falling toward Ichiru, but Yagari made it first shielding Ichiru from the blade with his own body.

Ichiru and I took our leave and made our way to the sakura tree where mother was waiting for us. I decided to climb to the top of the tree leaving my mother and Ichiru to talk amongst one another in peace, though I wanted to know their plan, I also respected the fact that I was not a part of that plan meaning I had no rights to know what it could be. I played with the red and pink ribbon in my hair while silently watching the two from above not able to hear a word of their conversation, the only thing I could think about was how Ichiru looked at my mother so tenderly with love.

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