Chapter 2

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5 years later

I stepped out of the black impala my mother let me use with the help of my personal guard Chisaki Ken, his short blue hair covering his beautiful golden eyes as he bowed toward me "Hio-Sama we have arrived at the academy." after helping me out of the car he went to grab mine and his things out of the trunk "why don't we go and meet our new friends." Kuran Kaname had decided to join this school a while back along with many well known aristocrats, and using all of them to achieve my goal is one of the main reasons I decided to attend this academy. "The act of drinking human blood is strictly forbidden here, we should fit in perfectly Chisaki." I noticed a small smile come to his face at my mention of the biggest rule for Cross Academy before making our way up the large staircase to the main entrance.

When we reached the top of the steps we were greeted by two people "Welcome to Cross Academy!" a brown haired girl said happily, I simply nod my head silently requesting she guide the way to wherever we were going. The girl was accompanied by a silver haired boy who was a copy of Ichiru reminding me that he did have a twin brother, but this boy was much colder than Ichiru which irritated me greatly. "My name is Cross Yuki, and this is Kiryu Zero. We are guardians who protect both the day and night class." I gave Yuki a kind smile thinking about how much she resembled Kaname, as we continued toward our destination that I found was the headmasters office, I realized that she was also a pure blood princess. Yuki was the hidden Kuran child my father once spoke of long ago.

After meeting the headmaster Kaien, Yuki's adopted father, and he explained to us the rules of his academy he turned to Zero and Yuki happily. "Right! Now Zero, Yuki please show our two new students to the moon dormitory and introduce them to Kaname-kun." Zero turns to look at Chisaki and myself an irritated look present after given a task he obviously didn't want, on the other hand Yuki smiles happily at the two of us. "Thank you Kaien, I hope we can become good friends in the near future." I sent a genuine smile his way as he bowed his head slightly a smile of his own present, leading the way Yuki led us out of the room and toward the moon dorms. Zero kept a watchful eye on Chisaki and I as we walked along, he seemed to not trust us at all which I can understand we are new, but he was glaring at us for a different reason.

"Do you dislike me Zero-kun?" at the sound of my voice everyone stopped walking and turned to see Zero and I face to face, him glaring harshly down at me while I simply smiled up at him. "Of course I hate you, you are that woman's child after all." he pulled out a gun meant to kill vampires pointing it toward me, before Chisaki could do a thing I put my hand up stopping him from hurting the man in front of me. "No need for violence, I am not my mother...I have no desire to harm any humans. Ah! Yuki, please continue leading the way." with that said I pushed past Zero and walked beside Chisaki the rest of the way in silence.

The second the dorm's large wooden doors opened, we were greeted by all of its residents waiting for my arrival as proper Aristocrats did for pure bloods such as myself. "What a splendid welcome I have received." they all bowed respectfully before officially welcoming my to their current residence, Yuki seemed confused by the actions of the night class as we entered the dorm completely. Her shock and curiosity soon disappeared as her attention was drawn toward Kaname who was descending the large staircase. "Pleasure to see you again Hio Shimiko, it truly has been a long time." Chisaki politely bowed toward Kaname as I simply sent a smile toward the other pureblood "It has indeed been a long time Kuran Kaname, I hope we can get along as we did back then."

Kaname calls over a blond man with green eyes and instructs him to show us to our rooms "Farewell for now Yuki-chan. Zero-kun." we then followed the man who introduced himself as Ichijo Takuma, Chisaki and I had our own rooms directly across from one another our belongings already waiting within. "Thank you Takuma."

I remained in my room for the remainder of the night organizing my books and other belongings before finally settling down at my desk, observing the unfinished book I had been working on for the past year I thought about Shin Takahiko my editor who makes sure my articles are turned in on time along with pushing me to finish the book. I am a writer for a short stories magazine that features all kinds of stories of all genres, but I really didn't feel up to the task of doing that kind of work today. Playing with the bell in my hair that my mother gave me so that I could match her, I decided that I would work on my book instead of my actual work.

Before I could even get a single paragraph finished there was a knock at my door, sensing a familiar presence I called out to them "What is it you need Kaname?" the door opened slowly revealing exactly who I thought it was as he began entering my room "Why is it you have come to this place? What is your goal?" A smirk came to my face at how protective he was of the academy. "Oh? Do you have an issue with my presence here?" he simply glared back at me from across the room silently demanding an answer from me, my smile faded as I motioned for him to take a seat in front of me. "I suppose as a favor for you freeing mother and I, I'll tell you." relaxing slightly he moved to take a seat in the chair in front of my desk, once he was comfortable I began my explanation for why I needed to come to Cross Academy.

"You have collected some useful pawns here, they would work perfectly for my revenge...I plan to end my own father's life for what he put mother and I through." the hatred and anger was evident in my voice as I recalled my life in that dungeon I was born in, he thought about my answer a moment before accepting it as truth and standing to leave "Fine. I have no problem with your goal. So long as you do not harm Yuki that is." a sad smile comes to my face as I inspect the papers in front of me "I am not my father, I did not come here to harm you or your younger sister." he hesitated a moment in shock from my words before regaining his composure and heading toward the door. "Then have a good evening Shimiko." 

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