Chapter 15

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This bus ride is aweful...luckily they only live 30 minutes away.

I was ignoring there snarky comments whlie texting Zach about a plan to get me back. I had to erase the messages right away just in case they saw. I found out the quater backs name is Ethan and his other friend is Preston.

"PARTY AT MY PLACE!" yells Ethan, great im staying ther till I get back.

We finally arrive back at there school and the boys go put there footbal pads away and leave.

I wait for Ethan outside the schools entrance."Ready we have to get home fast for the party!" Ethan says and I just shrug my shoulders. I have been ignoring him.

We get in his car. "Still not talking are we?" he asks and I dont reply. "I can make you talk" he says and my cheeks flush red. He laughs and drives back to his house. There where already alot of people there when we arrived.

The party went on like normal other then people being rude to me or them trying to hit on me, and there's no in between. Some guy asks me to dance and he looks nice so I say yes.

This was the 1st normal party I have been to sense I have moved here.

"EVERYBODY OUT!" yells a deep voice. everybody leaves but me this guy and a girl.

His dad storms into to the room and looks at Ethan and the two others "Who's idea was it to have a party?" he asks them he turns to me. "and whos that?"

"Dad remeber you said if Ethan can capture the partner in crime he could throw a party" the girl speakes up, im guessing hes Ethans sister.

"Oh I remember now! and this is her?" he asks and I nod my head "Good job son nd I heard you won too." wow his dad changes his mood fast.

We just stand there sliently. Then his sister breaks the ice. "I'm Jessie! Don't worry I wont be mean you look cool!" oh im feeling better.

I look at Ethans brother and he looks really fimliar. "Your the girl I hit on at the museum when you where on your date with Zach, them he came up and told us you where dating." His brother says.

Crap no way in the world how can this happen now they think im dating Zach. I instantly text Zach.

remember that one time we where at the musem and these boy hit on me so you said that you where my boyfrind so they would leave me alone...well one of thoses boys are Ethan's brother. -C

Play along trust me I have to go out to eat with my Fam. Bye -Z

I look over at Ethan and he looks like he's processing what just happened. "YOUR DATING ZACH?!" Ethan yells.

"Y-yes I am" I stutter.

"This just got so much better" he says in an evil way. "Now tell me how long have you been dating?"

"A few weeks" I lie.

Now I really got to watch my back and hope that the reason being why he told me to play along pays off.

Ethan takes a step closer "Ethan! be nice! Show our school that we have pride!" Jessie snaps.

"Oh we do have pride and the captains girlfriend, do I scare you Cameron?" He asks

"No you don't! And you better stay away or I'll kick you where the sun doesn't shine!" I fired back.

I can feel the tension in the room. Ethan was about to say something but his dad interrupts us. "Kids it's time to get to bed it 1 am"

We all go to our rooms.


It's Monday morning and the day I hopefully get out of this place. Yesterday went pretty well. I did avoid Ethan, I have been ever sense he said the school has pride and me.

I get up and get ready I have been borowing jessies clothes. I got down stairs to see Ethan making pancakes.

"Wow you got ready fast." he says

"Yep I did" I shrugged

"You know im gonna need your number...not hitting on you or anything its just if they get you back I will need to know so I don't think you died or anything" This seem sketchy but he does have a good reason. I give him my number. "thanks"

Ethan gives me a ride to school telling me I need to stop by the office to get my temporary schedule. So I go to the office and get my schedule . the sectary tells me she got the classes the same as my ones at my school.

I make my way to 1st hour. Man this is so weird its like being the new girl all over again but you multply the number of glares I get by 5 .

The classes go by fast and I have made some friends actually. I was sitting at Ethans table sense Jessie had second lunch. Can I say sitting at a table full of football players is disgusting! there a bunch of pigs when they eat! Some of them have hit on me others just down right asked if I was up for a one night stand, I rejected them all.

Hey where are you? -Z

Im at a lunch table full of jocks getting hit on save me! My rescurer ;) -C

Haha :) ok come outside xx -Z

The fact that Zach sent me 2 X's

k :) -C

I look around to make sure im not drawing attention to myself. I go throw my food away and make a dash for the lunch room door. "HEY!" someone yells at me but I keep running out the school doors.

I see Zach with Dyaln and some other kid. I instatnly hug Zach it just felt right and he hugs me back.

"Aw the the couple is reuntied" sneers Ethan. crap I forgot we where pretending.

"Couple? Finally you grew a-" Dylan was cut off by Zach elbowing him.

this is about to get interesting. Ethan and Zach are having a stare down while Dylan and the other kid are trying to get Zach to cool off.

"Zach come on we have your girlfriend now lets leave" Dylan says. Dylan grabs Zachs arm and pulls him away to the car.

Sorry about the mistakes!

SOooooooo Zach saves Cameron yayay

Beware somthing big is soon to happen!

sorry i didnt update right away my mom got mad at me.


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