Chapter 11

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Zach POV

Dylan came just as was about to kiss cameron...again!

"Dylan you have awful timings" I said

"Oh sorry! You could've continued!" He said

"Look I don't think she's been kissed before!" I snapped and it's true she I can tell she freaks out when I'm about too

"Let's ask her!!" Dylan insists

"No that's uness-"


"Dylan you mother fu-"

"Yes?" She says. Oh how I love her voice. She looks like she getting ready for bed

"Have you ever been kissed before?" Dylan asks Her. Man what's he thinking?

"Ummm no, not a real kiss. Listen I ummmm errrr I'm gonna go work on homework!" Her face gets red as she replies. I can tell she's trying to avoid the conversation she's walking into. She runs back upstairs

"Ok so she's never been kissed? Now you need to kiss her and give her the best kiss ever! It's not that hard!" Dylan smirks.

As much as I hate to admit he's right. Man that hurts to say. I'm gonna do it I'm gonna kiss her unless I get interrupted.

"Ok your right but I need to ask her out on a date or like a day we can hang out like not a date but a hang out day" I have a plan. This Saturday my moms boyfriends coming over I can have her meet them then after they hang out for a while il ask her if she wants to go and do something.

Wow I sound like a freaking baby what's this girl doing to me?

"That sounds good! And dude this girl is affecting you badly"

"Shut up" I mumble.



•Cam's POV•

Finally Saturday!! I get up out of bed and check my phone. 2 texts, one from my mom and one from Jenny

Cameron we will be home Monday! Take care love you sweet pea! -Mom

Camie!!! So how are things with you and Zach??! -Jen

I reply to them.


"It's me!" Zach says

"Come in I reply"

Oh my he's shirt less. I can't peel my eyes away from his abs. Holy hot hot hot.

"Doll get ready I want you to meet somebody! And I'll so I'll put on a shirt so your not distracted" Zach said snapping me out of my thoughts then he left.

I jumped up and got ready.

I go downstairs. I make my way passed the living room and I see Katie and Christen cuddling one the couch. I walk over to the kitchen to see Zach and his mom with a little girl and an older Man.

"Good morning!" Zach's mom tells me. "This is Cole my boyfriend. I only get to see him on the weekends because he's deployed. oh and his little daughter Tori"

"Hey Cole! I'm Cameron Peters" I bend over to Tori "hey there cutie! You have the same hair color as me!"

"Hi" she whispers.

"Wait Peters...Is your dad Kent?" He knows my dad?!?

"Yeah that's him!"

"I'm so sorry!" Why is he apologizing

"Haha no need to apologize?" I say in a question because I'm confused.

"Oh I'm sorry that he's MIA. He was my best man in the force we had a good bond and when I found out he was missing I lost it" aw that's said but wait till he hears he's back.

"Um cole...they recently found him" I giggle "but he's on a trip with my mom and will be back Sunday" I think I made his day he looks like the happiest man alive. I do remember my dad mentioning a Cole.

"W-will you play dollies with me?" Tori asks. How can I say no to that face?

"Yeah! I love dollies let's go! You
Lead the way" and she grabbed my hand pulling me towards the living room.

I was playing dollies with Tori and Jen calls me.

"Cameron!!! It's Austin! He's messaged on Facebook saying he moving back" Jen laughs

"Haha I would love to see the look on Austin's face when he see I left!"

"I'll be sure to get it on video!...MOM IM COMING!" She yells "hey I better go my moms freaking out bye" and she hangs up

I continue playing with Tori for about 5 minutes till Zach interrupts our 'playtime'

"So who's Austin?" He asks

Can I trust Zach to tell him? I want to tell someone the whole story...maybe Zach's the person I can tell.


Sorry this chapters kinda boring!

200 reads!

So what's gonna happen with Austin? Will Camie the Zach?

Good news!! I have no school tomorrow! You can thank the -30 degree weather and no I'm not exaggerating.

More good news! My school provided us our very own labtops that we can take home :) so it will be easier to update inseated of using my phone. Also ill know how many words im using. ill try to get 1,000

I'll update tomorrow morning.


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