Chapter 2

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My mom knocks on the door and a lady about my moms age answers welcoming us in.

"Hello!" She greets "Oh you guys must be Cameron and Katie! I'll go go the boys" she goes and gets them I really don't wanna.

"Mom her sons are hot!" Katie squeals. My mom is like a teen girl trapped in grown up body she's a cool mom.

Then I see the face of Zach and he's smirking at me. Crap Crap Crap I hope he doesn't bring up last night. Then followed by Zach are his friends. Yup I'm dead.

"Zach, Christen these are our neighbors take them down stairs to the hang out area" his mom tell us.

We start walking down the steps then my mom yells "USE PROTECTION!" And I feel my face get hot.

"Well Cameron you still own me a kiss!" Zach ugh why Zach why?

"No I don't now introduce me to your friends" I state

"This is Dylan, Jack, and Dustin" there where all really cute.

"Hey sexy!" Dylan snorts "I lost my number can I have yours?"

"Screw off"

"You can have mine!" Katie steps in. I roll my eyes she's such a flirt.

"Christen take this girl some where else she's annoying" Zach snaps and I bit my lip to stop from laughing. Him and my sister go somewhere else.

"You look hot biting your lip but I can bite you also!" Jack wriggles his eyebrows


"Where are you going to school?" Jack asks

"Lincoln." Please don't go to Lincoln Please don-

"Hey we go there too!" Crap

After a while we start talking there pretty cool and perverted half the time jack was hitting on me.

"Zach are we still having that party tonight?" Dylan asks

"Yeah my mom doesn't care she's out bar hopping"

"Cameron you should come!" They all nod in agreement

"No she's not coming, unless I get my kiss" Zach reminds me

"Nah I'm good plus I wouldn't wanna waste my lips on a bad kisser like you" I snapped

"Baby you haven't even kissed me yet so you wouldn't even know!" He moves closer to me. "According to the girls I've kissed they say I'm the best guy they have kissed"

"Cocky much?"

"Zach invite her! If not then...what's your moms name?" Dylan asks


"CARMEN!" Dylan starts yelling for my mom to come down stairs. oh help me now! I try to shut him up but I was to late. My mom comes down the stairs

"Yes, you called or yelled..." my mom laughs. ugh

"Your daughter should come to Zachs party tonight! She will be able to meet people from school!" Dylan explains. knowing my mom she will say..."Of Course! I loved high school parties! With the beer and the dancing she can go I'm also going bar hopping with June. oh cam if you get into bed use protect-"

"MOM! I understand now bye" I. Wave her off and the boys started laughing

"Your mom is freaking awesome!" Dustin yelps

Oh boy.

We get back to talking but my mom decides it time to go so I have time to get ready for the party. My sister can't come because she's to young.

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