Chapter 13

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~Cameron POV~

Monday after school we where able to go home sense my parents where gonna be home later tonight but when we walked in the door there where sitting on the couch.

"Suprise!" my mom said

"Ok sit down we have some bad news" my dad said. I felt my heart drop. "So your mother and I went to DC to comfrim some things, i cant tell you because it ristricted content. Now for the bad news. Im getting deyployed over seas again for 10 monthes and I leave Wednesday"

I started crying and so did katie. "But you just got here a few weeks ago" I cried.

" I understand that but this was my choice. I never finshed my job when I was over there and I need to finsh it. Its best for our country."

I dont know what to say. Words cant express how I feel. I'm not mad at anyone or anything just sad that hes gonna be gone again. I'm also terrfied that hes not gonna return.


Wednesday is today and the day my dad leaves. Also the reason i'm up at 4 am to tell him goodbye. Just to think this could be my last time seeing hurts alot.

"Bye dad, I love you" I cried

"Bye Cam Bye Kate" and he left for the airport with my mom.

I turned to Kaite and hugged her. Crying getting out everything before we have to go to school today.

My mom hasn't came back yet so we walked to school. Once we arrived everything was really crazy. The week has been crazy but today was innsane! and the day we vote for the mystery girl.

"who are you going to vote for?" I ask katie as I walk her to her locker just incase she breaks down.

"Kenzie! everyone says that there gonna vote for her! Mostly because they think it's funny to see Dustin freaking out that shes gonna kiss some other guy"

"Haha I better get to class see ya" I wave her off.

I go to biology. The most boring subject ever. We were talking about the plants reproductive system. It was weird.

The luch bell rang dismissing us for lunch. When we enter the lunch room we have to vote to. I go over to the voting booth and write down "Kenzie Chapfield"

I walk over to our table and kenzie is already sitting there and she looks terrfied.

"Cam everyone is voting for me!" she squeaked "Im so nervous!"

"Well I voted for you" I said caustly because im scared on how shes gonna react

"Well I hope there QB is hot" she laughs.

The day finally ended. I wonder how Kates holing up? I walk over to my locker to get my bookbag.

" the mystrey girl." Kenzie whispers as she comes up to me. I knew it was gonna be her.

" Good for you! lets hope we loose" I smile .

"I want a partner in crime." she said and I know shes talking about me.

"Haha are you sure?"

"Yep its payback for voting for me! and I told them your my partner" she left before i could protest.

I need to know alittle bit more about this partner in crime. So I went to the office.

"Oh cameron! just who I was looking for" said the secertary "Have a seat."

I take my seat "Can you tell me about the partner in crime?"

"That's what I was gonna call you down here for, now there is only 1 partener in crime between the schools and sense there playing us here we have to have some one from our school, see if we where playing there they would have one" she tells me.

"ok so what do I do if I get captured?"

"they take you back to the school till our top 3 players can get you back with out getting caught. I sent your classes to the school so you can go to school there for a short time. If we cant get you back by the end of the week they have to play here again next year, oh heres a permisson slip for your parents to sign bring it back tomrrow. Also go to the game an hour early and dont tell anyone!."

I got up and left. All I can say is I hope I dont get caught.

I got home and explained everything to my mom. She was way more than happy to sign it. She told me if I get caught I should kick them in the balls and run.

Today was a long day, I went upstairs to my room and sat outside on my balcony. Zach was outside on his balcony.

"Hey kitty I havent seen you all day" Zach says

"Yeah I had a long day, my dad got deyploed so I was up at 4 am saying goodbye"

"oh, I'm sorry...well if we win the game dustins throwing a party and if we loose hes still throwing a party....and um...i was...uhh...ok i was-"

As much as I love seeing him ramble Icut him off. "Zach spit it out". I laughed

"Willyougotothepartywithme?" he said so fast I couldn't understand him.

"Say it slower"

"Cameron will you go to the party with me?"

What? did he just. "Z-zach are you asking me out on a d-d-d-date?"

"I mean if you want it to be."

I Was about to say yes then I remembered I could get captured. "Sure...but I might not be able to make it. Just come and find me after the game. If you cant find me give me a call."

"Ok! cheer loud for me"

I didnt respond my mind was running with questions. The most important one was 'Does Zach like me?' I think no but then why did he ask me to the party. He could get any girl that he wanted.

I told Zach good bye and decided to get some rest. I need to make a plan not to get captured.


So what do you guys think?

Zach's has finally growed a pair and asked Cam to go to a party with him.

I will update tomorrow


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