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Scorpius's POV
Two months after the holidays

The muggle phone Al sent me for my birthday dings loudly in my pocket. Again. I give my father an apologetic smile before pulling out the device to check my new message. It's from Albus, the realization makes me smile.

Al: are you on your way yet? rose is trying to kill me

Me: Stay aliiive!

Al: your such a dork

Me: you're* Yup! I'm about to board the train, got to go.

Al: can't wait

Me: Same here!

Al: sys <3

I tuck the phone back into my jean pocket and look up in time to catch my father rolling his eyes at me.

"You're addicted," he tells me, gesturing to the muggle object.

"I'm not," I protest, trying to hide a laugh.

"Let me guess. Pottah Jr?" my father smirks knowingly and I have to fight to keep my expression neutral. Internally, my stomach is hosting a swarm of pixies at the idea of seeing my best mate.

Texting is a great communication method, but Albus is always in class and nothing beats being there in person. Professor Slughorn has apparently taken Al's phone twice for using it in Potions, so maybe he doesn't actually have a mental barrier for electronics in class. We'll definitely need to talk about that.

"Dad," I shake my head at the continued mispronunciation of the last name. "It's not-"

"I'm aware," he cuts me off, grey eyes softening in sadness as they meet mine. "I'm going to miss you, Scor."

"I'll miss you too," I pull him into a tight hug. These past few months, we've gotten a lot better at this hugging thing. Especially since I've started catching up to him height-wise.

"Be safe. Be strong. Be happy," he lists off quietly. "I'm proud of how far you've come," I sense a hitch in his voice and I pull away with a small smile.

"I love you," the words come easier than I thought they ever would. "I promise to write. Or if you get a phone..." I trail off suggestively and my father raises an eyebrow, daring me to continue. "Owls it is! Never mind."

"Run along before you miss the train," He nods, squeezing my shoulder once before handing me my suitcase. The train station instantly blurs into a memory before my eyes.

"Goodbye Scorpius," Mum hugged me once again before finally letting go. She tucked a strand of her brown hair behind her ear as she beamed at me. "Do you have everything?"

"Yep!" I grinned back, motioning to the cart of luggage we had spent the last week packing. Mum held up a bag of sweets, winking at my father who just rolled his eyes at her antics. His eyes flashed with laughter as he watched us, his annoyance just for show.

"Sweets help you make friends," my mum recited, holding out the bag to me.

"Got it," I smiled, tucking it securely into my robes. After all, I could use all the help I could get for that friends thing. I turned back to my father. "Bye," I offered awkwardly. He placed a hand on my shoulder, squeezing it gently.

"Run along before you miss the train."

The memory is faded at the edges and not quite complete, but it's enough to remind me of the first time I left this same, currently-empty station for Hogwarts. My mother's not here right now, nor will she ever be again... but she would be proud of who I've become. At least I can carry that knowledge with me.

"Scorpius?" my father's concerned voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Yup, right!" I take my bag from his hand quickly, flashing him one last smile. "See you soon!" I walk through the empty platform to where a designated teacher is waiting by the Express to escort me to school. I guess there'll be no being convinced to jump off moving trains this time around.


Breakfast was about to end by the time I arrived at Hogwarts, so Professor Longbottom told me I should go start to unpack instead. My grandmother made sure that I ate before leaving the Manor, so I was more than happy to head straight down to my common room.

"Boleyn," I read the password off a sheet of paper, recognizing the historical Slytherin's name from several textbooks for a History of Magic. Maybe this means the passwords are becoming less prejudiced along with my house... the thought makes me smile.

"Malfoy?" The bald portrait blocking the entrance to the dormitory asks in his forever-raspy voice.

"Hello again," I adjust my bags so I can offer a small wave at the sneering man.

"Was hoping you'd finally kicked the bucket," he grumbles, swinging open to reveal the passageway to the Slytherin Common Room.

"Nice to see you too," I tell him cheerfully, the portrait's usual bitterness unable to ruin my good mood. I step inside, ducking my head to avoid the slight overhanging.

The green area is perfectly silent when I step inside, nothing really changed at all about the Slytherin's space. A small smile spreads across my face as I run up the stairs to the boys' dorms. I find my usual room quickly since I've walked this way hundreds of times the past four years.

I slide open the unlocked door quietly, cautious though nobody else is around right now. Even if I technically live here again, it still feels a bit like intruding to just randomly walk into a space I haven't been in such a long time. Still, once I have a view of the entire room, I can't stop a laugh of surprise from slipping out.

Albus's side of the dorm has definitely changed since last time. His desk is lined with actual spell books. Rose must be even more magical than I assumed... I glance to my right and find that my side of the room looks the exact same as the day I left. Al didn't move anything at all, not even that quill I vaguely remember dropping. Merlin.

I ease the door closed with my foot, setting my luggage carefully down next to my bed before plopping down on the mattress. A smile spreads across my face as I lay backwards on the green covers. I'm glad I'm finally back at the enchanted place I call home.

"Right. Classes," I remind myself after a second of peace, reluctantly sitting up. I start unpacking, taking out the books that were my only peer-like companions throughout my stay at the Manor. I pull my school robes out of the suitcase and grin at the Slytherin symbol shining in the dim lighting of the dungeon dormitory. I missed this.

A loud thump comes from behind me and I turn in surprise to see a familiar figure standing in the doorway. "Scorp?"

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