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Albus's POV:

The Great Hall is alive and bustling today, with all of the seats returned to normal after that horrific dancing lesson. I enter with Scorpius right behind me, trying to stay as close to the walk as possible to be less noticeable. The time-turning incident seems to have only reminded everyone how famous my parents are, so the heads that swivel my way are unnerving, but not shocking. I do wish they would look at me for different reasons though.

"Scorp, I'm going to fail the Transfiguration final. I can't turn a frog into a hat!!!" I turn to my friend, suddenly panicking since we have that class today. My fingers instinctively run through my ruffled hair, which is sticking up in what can only be described as an extreme case of bed head. I don't remember falling asleep, but apparently we both ended up on the floor. The good thing was that Scorp didn't wake up all night, which is an amazing sign. Even if it was only because of his date with my cousin.

"You'll be fine, Al! We have half the year left," Scorp reassures me and flashes me a small smile. "But, if it helps you stop freaking out, we can study today," though I feel slightly better, my racing heart rate doesn't go down at all. Of course that's mainly because of the adorable human being next to me who's flashing me a million-dollar smile. I look away, trying not to let my face go red.

"You're going to get top marks anyways," I tease him with a small grin. His mouth falls open in protest, but we both know that it's true. He actually got brains from someone, unlike me who missed that gene. Assuming it was ever in the family.

"No, that'll be Rose for sure," Scorp tells me. I try to hide the sinking feeling in my gut when a dreamy look takes over his eyes at the mention of her.

"True," I grumble, crossing my arms. I know I'm just jealous. Well, of course I am! I've loved Scorpius for months, and now he's pretty much dating my COUSIN!!! He could have chosen any girl, but no, he fell for the one that literally shares my genes! That's just adding insult to my injury now...

I stay silent as my best friend picks out a spot on the long table. Nobody sits around us, as usual since we're not exactly popular in Slytherin. A Malfoy who's father betrayed the Dark Lord and a Potter who can hardly be called one. It's been this way since first year, so I don't mind being alone with Scorp as much as I originally did. My eyes wander along the Gryffindor's table next to ours absently while my friend goes to get food. I spot a familiar face half-way down and sit up straighter with a smile.

"Rowle," I give her a friendly wave and she winks at me, pointing to a book propped open in front of her. I squint and barely make out the cover: Quidditch for the Ages. I shake my head slightly, grinning at the display. She clearly remembers out debate from yesterday, but there's no way she's going to win. A small sigh from the boy sitting next to me yanks my attention back to Scor.

"What do you have against my only other friend?" I demand, glaring at Scorp who's staring intently at his food and not at me. His mouth is twisted into a grim smile and there's a darker look in his eyes that I instantly hate.

"No. I um like her," he lies to my face causing me to roll my eyes. His expression turns into more of a pout, causing my heart to jump like the pointless organ it's proven to be. Why does HE get to look that cute?! It's not fair.

"You don't like her," I state in monotone, pulling on a neutral expression so he can't see my disappointment.

"I just think she's... using you," Scorpius looks back up at me, eyes pleading with mine to believe him.

"I'm not an idiot, contrary to popular opinion," I snap at him, fed up with this already. I learned enough of a lesson from Delphi about trusting people to last a life time. "I think I'll study by myself, thanks," I tell him cooly, standing up. I walk away, leaving him speechless behind me. I make it to the entrance of the Great Hall before running into another person I don't want to see.

"Hey Albus!!" Rose flashes me a grin and tosses her perfect, 'I woke up like this' hair over her shoulder. I offer her a sullen nod in greeting, but she barely notices me, probably distracted by plans to find Scorpius. What a perfect day. I duck away from her, holding back my frustration at the world. A blur of red crosses my vision and I move away quickly so I'm not run over.

"Please don't say anything, little bro," James winks at me with guilty smile, pointing at a Skiving Snackbox in his hand. Weasley's Wizard Wheezes have been banned from Hogwarts after a couple of  'accidents' involving an underground trading system for Nosebleed Nougat a couple years back. My brother was certainly a central part of the operation. I give him a thumbs up and he turns back to the giggling girl he's with.

I continue on my aimless journey down the hall, accidentally matching paces with a younger slytherin student.

"Uh... hi?" I offer with a wave. I can tell the second the brunette realizes who I am from the instant fear that flashes across his face. "Bye," I sigh to myself quietly as he rushes off down the hall.

My father had loads of people always around him when he was in Gryffindor, I think bitterly, I can't even pass a first year without them thinking I'll kill them! I continue down the corridor, much less confident than before at storming away from breakfast. I have Divination in twenty minutes but I'm not looking forwards to spending an hour staring into an empty crystal ball with a certain blonde-haired boy. I pass the Herbology classroom and pause, glancing inside.

"And why were you late, Mr. Yucon?" I hear Professor Longbottom ask a poor Hufflepuff who must have arrived just in front of me. Mr. Neville looks up, seeing me in the door, and waves brightly. I smile and wave back, remembering all the fun Christmas parties my family's attended at his house. He's one of the few Professors who actually likes me as a student. The rest can't seem to get over the fact my wand hates me.

I leave the doorframe reluctantly and start heading to the weird bat cave our Professor calls a classroom. This should be interesting at least.

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