- The Finale -

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Hey guys! Crystal here: one of the two authors and primary editor of 'Found In The Past'. It's been a while since Sam and I started this book, and almost a year since the last chapter was posted. (Sorry for the wait!) It turns out, I already wrote the conclusion to this book last year and hid it away under a 'random' tab. After the many requests for a final chapter? I'm proud to present to you the last timeskip of the book! Thank you all so much for reading about Scorpius and Albus's journey, and have fun reading!
Signing off,


Scorpius's POV

I finish my transfiguration essay with a flourish and set my quill down besides me before pushing the paper away. I managed to keep up with my lessons while I was away, but attending actual classes again is taking some getting used to. I keep getting odd looks from teachers, especially when I use my wand since apparently I developed a 'tendency to twist my wrist in the opposite direction' I'm supposed to. I think Professor Fitwick was ready to tear his remaining hair out by the end of my last tutoring lesson to correct it.

Now finished with my writing work, I close my eyes and lean back on the side of my bed, glad to be done for tonight. It's a Saturday, so Albus is off with Rose and their friends in Gryffindor. Apparently I missed a lot with the growing social aspect of his life, but I'm trying to not feel jealous about it. My best friend's happy, and that's what I care about more than anything. Plus, I can't be too worried when the Quidditch team is all girls and Albus isn't interested. My mouth still twitches up when I'm alone at the memory of our kiss.

It's good to be back, I remind myself, standing up to sort out the various papers strewn around the floor. I finish picking up my side of the room and risk a glance over at Al's. The messy setup on his bed alone is enough to start a headache.

I rub my eyes and plop back down on my bed. The soft, afternoon light pouring into the fake window is relaxing, and I feel my eyes grow heavy after a few minutes. The last thing I remember before sinking into a dreamless sleep is the Slytherin banner proudly hanging above my bed.


"Wake up," a voice whispers and my eyes fly open to see Al's face leaning over me. I try to shove him away to recover from the sudden consciousness but he just laughs.

"What time is it?" I ask when I push myself to a sitting position. Wow... I didn't even make it to my pillow, I note, trying not to wince at my own clumsiness.

"4 pm," Albus tells me with a grin, reaching up to ruffle his hair. "I just came back. How long were you asleep?" he questions curiously.

"Probably half an hour," I shrug, stretching my arms above my head to help actually wake myself up. Albus takes this time to tickle me and I yelp, hands instantly falling down to smack him away. He doesn't stop and I start laughing uncontrollably, begging for him to stop. "AL!!"

"What?" Albus taunts, tickling my ribs so hard I collapse back onto my bed, gasping for air. He shifts so he's on top of me, which is quite unfair in any rule of thumb since I'm in no position to defend myself.

"Truce?! I surrender!!!" I manage to choke out.

"Mm," he pokes me a final time and I glare at him, shoulders still shaking with laughter.

"I'm serious," I try to state, aware of how red my face must be.

"You sure look that way," he teases. On a burst of energy I knock his arms over and he comes crashing down on top of me. The air's immediately knocked out of me again and I have to gasp.

"Scorp? You okay?!" Albus fumbles to prop himself up. I can't talk, so I try to nod. "Sorry," he blushes as I cough again.

"I said truce, Al," I chide, giving him a look I must have picked up from my time at Malfoy Manor.

"My bad," Albus says with no sense of consequence, and I roll my eyes, unable to stop myself from smiling again. We fall quiet and I become very aware of how close he is right now. The urge to do something stupid plays with my mind as my cheeks go bright red. Al meets my gaze and seems to realize the same thing, eyes widening. "Oh," he breathes softly and I feel a wave of pixies arise in my stomach as he shifts.

Albus looks down at my lips and back up, hesitating. I feel my heart start racing in my chest. We haven't... talked about this sort of romance thing. We probably need to. We're not even officially dating. But I don't think friends kiss. Do they kiss? Pretty sure no-

Albus stops my overthinking (not for the first time) by pressing our lips together. I stop caring about mostly everything as I kiss him back, intending to show exactly how much I missed all of this. How much I missed him. It's clumsy, and our noses clash painfully at least once, but when Al pulls away I already feel like a part of me is missing again.

We break a part after a last, quick kiss and I open my eyes to see him staring. His expression is unreadable but...

"Am I that bad of a kisser?" I ask, releasing him by the waist in case I just did something horribly wrong.

"I love you," Albus whispers sincerely before kissing me again. I run a hand through his messy hair when his chapped lips press intently against mine. Before I can forget, I push his shoulders away so I can respond.

I love you too," I tell him quickly.

"Well then?" He asks, emerald eyes gleaming in the light.

"Well what?" I ask, confused. He pulls away completely, making room for me to sit up. I shove off my disappoint so I can push myself up to meet at his eye-level.

"I want you... to uh... be my boyfriend? Not just my best friend. Okay what I'm saying," Albus pauses, embarrassed. "Will you go out with me, Scorp?"

"Yes. Yes!" I hug him, potentially happier than I've ever been in my entire life. "Did I say yes??"

"You did," Albus laughs, the tension between us dissolving as he hugs me back. It feels like so long ago: the train station, the time-turner, the memories. And that's where they belong. In the past where they can't hurt anyone ever again.

"What does dating mean?" I ask Al, pulling back to look at him. He smiles, dimples flashing at me.

"It means I get to call you weird names," he starts and I sigh.

"No," I shake my head, "Anything but thay."

"Why not, babe? Darling? Sweetheart? Love?" Albus lists off, each edition making my face hurt from smiling.

"No," I repeat, trying not to give in.

"Whatever you say, sweetie," Albus mocks, the Potter in him showing clearly.

"Aren't I supposed to be the dork in this relationship?" I complain and Al smirks.

"Sure... okay uh Rose said dating also comes with broom closets? But I have no idea what she means. I don't even play Quidditch," he shrugs and I bite my lip hard to keep from laughing.

"Snogging Al. Broom closets are where people go to uh snog. Among other things," I shudder and Al's eyes go wide.

"OH!" He exclaims, looking so shocked it's almost funny. "Well yeah okay that too," he comments and I choke on air. Surely not- Albus hurries to continue: "Basically... I guess dating is what we do already?"

"Except now I guess you're my boyfriend," I remind him, testing the word out myself. It feels right. Albus Potter, my Slytherin boyfriend.

I can definitely get used to that.

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