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Scorpius's POV:
//I'm sorry.//

I stuff my hands in my pockets, still grinning after the study session with Rose. After bantering for half an hour, we'd ended up just chatting about Quidditch players and teams. Apparently, we're actually both die-hard Chudley-Cannon fans. Talking to her was almost enough to distract me from Professor Trewlany's stupid prophecy about me leaving Hogwarts... like that could ever happen.

I continue walking down the corridor and happen to look to m my left out at the main courtyard. I actually trip on my own feet when I see Albus sitting near the edge of the open space with a certain blonde girl.

"Malfoy!" The girl I now recognize as Paige Rowle looks up from their game of Gobstones and waves at me. I make eye contact and glare at her before remembering what Rose told me about judging. Rowle beckons me over and I change my course, knowing it's rude to blatantly ignore the pair no matter how much I want to.

"Hey," Albus looks up and greets me with a smile. I try to return the expression, but it's hard when seeing him with Rowle is like when I saw him with Delphi. I have an idea on the reason why I want to suddenly hex Paige even though we haven't even talked before.

"Hullo," I greet only him pointedly. I hesitate, quickly looking at Rowle, and glance back at my best friend. Albus's eyes narrow as if warning me not to say anything. Our friendship is strained enough as it is, so I don't.

"Well this is awkward," Rowle comments with a small sigh, "What would you like me to call you? Scorpius? Scorp?" She asks me politely.

"Malfoy is fine," I tell her, a strange, cold emotion suddenly rising in my chest. Confusion flashes across her face, but understanding dawns in her eyes just as quickly.

"We don't have to be enemies, you know," Rowle tells me softly, "Al picked us both for a reason..." she glances at Albus with a smile as I take a step back from them in shock. Not in surprise that she's being nice to me, since I expected her to pretend to be a good person. If they're already close enough for nicknames.... I.... I'm losing him all over again...

"Scorp? You okay...?" Albus reaches a hand out but I don't even feel the touch on my arm. Deja vu hits me in the worst way possible as memories of Delphi flood into my mind. Consequently, a whole world of hell tries to rush in. I shake my head violently, trying to stop what I know is about to happen.

"I have to g-go," I stammer out, "Horri- I mean nice meeting you, Rowle," I call behind me as I rush away, catching myself before I insult her further. I make it all the way to the dungeons before the screaming in my head starts full volume. I stumble into the door of an empty classroom and sink to my knees as the voices overtake me.




A sharp gasp escapes my lips in pain as the voices become more clear than when they were in the nightmares. It's just like how powerful they were with the dementors. Sudden cold prickles at my skin, stabbing into my soul like icy daggers. I pull my knees closer to my chest, a sob catching in my throat.




I try to breathe, but I can't. It's like all the air is being forced out of me. I start coughing frantically, trying to find oxygen. The chill becomes unbearable and I crumple the rest of the way down to the floor, screams still echoing in my head. The last thing I remember is an empty room looming over me, with the hopelessness from my own heart consuming everything. Albus....


Daylight reaches the edge of my heavy eyelids as consciousness yanks me out of the empty void. My eyes flicker open slowly as I return to reality, and the first thing I see is a chocolate-haired boy slumped over next to me.

"Al?" I manage to gasp out, scaring the daylights out of him as his head jerks up, emerald eyes wide.

"O-oh thank everything!!! Scorp!" His arms are suddenly flung around me and I ignore the pain that the action sends shooting through my chest. A smile tugs at my lips and I hug him back gently, his messy hair now tickling my nose in a comforting, familiar way. Warmth rushes through me at his touch and I sink into his arms before I can think anything more.

"What happened?" I ask in a whisper, not wanting to ruin the moment, but desperate to know. I note how he's still not letting go of me, but it's not like I'm complaining. He's very warm. And I don't get many hugs.

"S-someone found you in a classroom. Passed out a-and deathly pale... I was so, so worried you idiot!!!" Albus finally pulls away and a twinge of regret shoots through me. I hug my arms to my chest, now very aware of the absence of his touch.

"I'm... sorry," I tell him softly, biting my lip, "I didn't mean to?" Albus gets up from the chair he's sitting in, which is placed next to my bed. I'm in what I'm pretty sure is the Hospital Wing.

"You don't have to apologize, Scorp! You didn't MEAN to get hurt. I just thought the nightmares were over... I thought you were doing better," he rants, now pacing around in our limited space. "And I... I wasn't there to help you...."

"Hey, Al, this isn't your fault," I tell him firmly, trying to sit up. My arms go weak, and I realize I have no idea how long it's been since I was last conscious. "H-how long was I out...?"

"Three days. THREE DAYS!!!!" Albus whirls around, tears now apparent on his cheeks. The utter pain in his green eyes is clear, and I wonder what could have happened in three days. I blink quickly, sinking back into the pillows underneath me.

"Bloody hell," I whisper, running a hand through my hair, "Well now my bed head nearly rivals yours," I tease him, trying to lighten the mood.

"Dear God I missed you," he says quietly, sitting back down. "Never scare me like that again, okay? Last time I was in here.... things didn't go so well," he gestures to the white walls around us.


A voice that sounds exactly like my own slashes through my thoughts and I jump back, crying out in pain. I begin to lose my grip on Hogwarts, slipping back into the terrifying cold. Fear grips my chest and I start hyperventilating, blackness surrounding my now-blurred vision.


"Shhh, Scorp it's okay. I'm here. I'm always here. It's okay. You're safe. I'm here," I hear Albus whisper from far away. His broken, beautiful smile is the last thing I see before the darkness takes me again.

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