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-October 1st 1971-

    Me and Willy stand infront of our office with Charlie and Joe.

Willy:So much to do,So much to do Invoices and bills,Letters...

Jayne:We must answer that note from the queen.

Charlie:Mr.Wonka,Jayne...What's gonna happen to the other kids?.Augustus, Veruca?.

Willy:My dear boy we promise you they'll be quite all right.When they leave here they'll be completely restored to their normal terrible old selves.

Jayne:But maybe they'll be a little bit wiser for the wear.

Willy:Anyway don't worry about them.

Joe:Eh what do we do now Mr and Mrs. Wonka?.

Willy:Oh yes well I hope you enjoyed yourselves.Excuse us for not showing you out."Points".Straight up the stairs.You'll find the way.We're terribly busy.Whole day wasted.Goodbye to you both.Goodbye.

    Me and Willy enter the office and we sit at our desks.A minute later Joe and Charlie walk in.Joe walks to Willy's desk.


Willy:I am extraordinarily busy sir.

Joe:I just wanted to ask about the chocolate.The lifetime supply of chocolate for Charlie.When does he get it?.

Willy:He doesn't.

Joe:Why not?.

Jayne:Because he broke the rules.

Joe:What rules?.We didn't see any rules did we Charlie?.

Jayne:Wrong sir wrong!.Under Section 37B of the contract signed by him it states quite clearly-

    I go to the cabinet grabbing the small paper and magnifying glass handing them to Willy.

Jayne:That all offers shall become null and void-

Willy:if and you can read it for yourself in this photostatic copy "Reads".I the undersigned shall forfeit all Rights,Privileges and licenses herein and herein contained et cetera,et cetera...fax mentis incendium gloria culpum et cetera, et cetera...memo bis punitor delicatum!."Puts paper and Magnifying glass down".It's all there black and white clear as crystal!.You stole Fizzy Lifting Drinks.You bumped into the ceiling which now has to be washed and sterilized so you get nothing!,You loose!,Good Day Sir!.

Joe:You're both crook's...You're cheat's and swindler's!.That's what you are.How can you do a thing like this?.Build up a little boy's hopes and then smash all his dreams to pieces.You're inhuman monsters!.

Jayne:We said good day.

    I walk back to my desk as Joe begins to leave with Charlie.

Joe:Come on Charlie let's get out of here.I'll get even with them if it's the last thing I ever do.If Slugworth wants a Gobstopper he'll get one.

Charlie:"Walks to Willy's desk".Mr. Wonka..."Puts Gobstopper on the desk".

Willy:"Touches the candy".So shines a good deed in a weary world."Turns around".Charlie...my boy...You won!."Picks him up spinning him around".You did it!. You did it!.I knew you would.I just knew you would."Puts him down".Oh Charlie forgive us for putting you through this. Please forgive us.

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